Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1179 Ginger is still old and spicy

Chapter 1179 Ginger is still old and spicy

"You too?"

Su Yi sneered, and turned to everyone and said: "Everyone heard it, it was Kuang Hu who wanted to kill me first, and I will kill him later, which is considered a legitimate defense, and you all will be my witnesses."

In the past few days, members of Jin Yanzong maliciously slandered him on the warrior forum.

He used this to prove to the world that the reason why he killed someone was because he was forced to do so.

In this way, stand on a moral high ground and launch a strong counterattack against the slander of Jin Yanzong and other forces.

When Su Yi finished speaking, everyone present was stunned.

Su Yi wants to kill Kuang Hu?

Are you kidding me?Or freaking out and talking nonsense?

Kuang Hu was slightly astonished, and laughed wildly: "Su Yi, you still want to pretend to be aggressive when you're dying? I'm standing here, kill me and see?"

According to what he learned, Su Yi seemed to be at the first level of the Illusory Spirit Realm.

With this level of cultivation, you still want to kill him, a powerhouse in the first level of the divine realm?It's ridiculous!
"as you wish!"

Su Yi smiled faintly, and then shouted at the [Smart Chariot], "Old Wu, it's your turn to praise."

Originally, it was most appropriate for Jin Hongxuan to do this, but unfortunately, Jin Hongxuan was injured, so Wu Zhe could only play.

Hearing this, everyone's eyes fell on the [Smart Chariot].

Su Yi is so confident, he must have a strong helper.

So who is this helper?

Everyone is looking forward to it.

Under the attention of everyone, Wu Zhe walked out of the [Smart Chariot] slowly like a star.

"Who is he?"

Most of the people present had never met Wu Zhe, and they all muttered.

But there are also people who have seen Wu Zhe, and immediately exclaimed: "He is the deacon of Shadow Killing Gate, Wu Zhe!"


A stone stirred up thousands of waves, and there was an uproar all around.

Although they had never met Wu Zhe, they had heard of Wu Zhe's name.

Rumor has it that Wu Zhe has a very high status in the Shadow Killing Gate, and he is even a martial artist with a second-level divine power.

But they couldn't understand it.

Doesn't Su Yi have grudges with Shadow Killing Gate?A few days ago, Su Yi also killed ten elite disciples of the Shadow Killing Sect.

Why did he get mixed up with a deacon of the Shadow Killing Sect in the blink of an eye?

"Wu Zhe, why are you here?"

Kuang Hu was stunned for a while, his face became extremely ugly, and he asked in a muffled voice.

Wu Zhe's strength is far ahead of him. If he wants to stand up for Su Yi, he will definitely not be able to do anything to Su Yi, and he may even be killed.

Wu Zhe stared at Kuang Hu and said with a sneer: "Our Shadow Killing Gate has reached a settlement with Su Yi, and we are conducting in-depth cooperation. And my task is to protect Su Yi's safety. Anyone who dares to harm Su Yi, I won't let it go."

In fact, this rhetoric is complete nonsense.

Cooperating with Su Yi is just his personal behavior and has nothing to do with Shadow Killing Gate.

The reason for saying this is to drive a wedge between the Shadow Killing Gate and the Golden Flame Sect and other forces.

Hearing this, Su Yi frowned, and secretly sighed, "Ginger is still old and spicy!"

Of course he guessed Wu Zhe's purpose, and had to admire Wu Zhe's sophistication.

What Wu Zhe said on this occasion, no matter whether it is true or not, will definitely affect the relationship between Shadow Killing Gate and Jin Yanzong.

Once a gap occurs, it is difficult to make up for it.

In the end, the two sides could only drift away, and finally parted ways.

"Shadow Killing Gate actually cooperated with Su Yi?"

The surrounding audience started to discuss, and they all felt that this possibility was very high.

For one thing, these words came from Wu Zhe.

As Wu Zhe is a high-level executive of Shadow Killing Sect, his words are highly credible.

Second, Shadow Killing Gate probably took a fancy to Su Yi's ability, so they chose to cooperate with him.

(End of this chapter)

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