Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1185 Strength Improvement

Chapter 1185 Strength Improvement
"What good does it do me to lie to you?"

Su Yi smiled and said: "I will refine the magic body pill later, you will know after looking at it."

"it is good!"

Jiang Cheng said happily: "Su Yi, if you refine it later, you must give me one first."

"no problem."

Su Yi readily agreed, and later walked into the alchemy room.

Jiang Cheng and Wen Haomiao stood outside looking forward to it.

Half an hour later, Su Yi came out, holding a porcelain bottle in his hand, which contained the magic body pill.

This time, he refined two furnaces of body forging pills, and finally got eighteen pills.

And put a drop of Mo Xiaochen phosphorus blood on each Body Forging Pill.

"Su Yi, have you succeeded?" Jiang Cheng looked expectant.

Su Yi nodded slightly, opened the porcelain bottle and poured out two, and distributed them to Jiang Cheng and Wen Haomiao.

Jiang Cheng held it in his hand, without even looking at it, he opened his mouth and swallowed it.

Su Yi and Wen Haomiao looked at Jiang Cheng quietly.

Whether the magic body pill is effective or not, we will know after seeing Jiang Cheng's reaction.

After a while, Jiang Cheng's face turned red, and heat radiated from his body.

It felt like being roasted by an oven.

"Should work."

Su Yi muttered thoughtfully, and continued to wait patiently.

Time flies, and 10 minutes have passed.

The heat on Jiang Cheng's body gradually dissipated, and his complexion slowly recovered.

"Haha, it worked!"

Suddenly, Jiang Cheng laughed excitedly.

"Fifth Grandpa, has your strength increased?" Su Yi asked with a raised brow.

"It should be no problem. I feel that there is a violent force in my body, which is definitely bigger than before."

Jiang Cheng nodded and said to Su Yi, "Su Yi, why don't I try to punch you?"

"Yes." Su Yi agreed.

Whether Jiang Cheng's strength value has increased or not can be known with one test.

"Then you have to be careful." Jiang Cheng reminded.

"Fifth Grandpa, you should use all your strength, I'm fine." Su Yi couldn't help laughing.

Even if Jiang Cheng increased his strength, it would only be at the level of 30000 kilograms, and he was nothing in front of him.

"Then I'm welcome."

With all his strength, Jiang Cheng punched Su Yi.

Su Yi's face was always calm. When Jiang Cheng's fist hit him, he stretched out a hand and lightly grasped Jiang Cheng's fist in his hand, unable to move.

It felt as simple as catching a chick.

"I rely on!"

Jiang Cheng exclaimed: "Su Yi, what is your strength?"

He knew that Su Yi's strength value was far superior to his, but he never thought that with his 3000 kg strength, he didn't even break a wave in front of Su Yi.

"It's just over 1 points." Su Yi smiled lightly.

After the blow just now, he has been able to confirm that the magic body pill can indeed increase the strength value of 1000 kilograms.

At this moment, my heart is still very excited.

"More than 1!"

Jiang Cheng and Wen Haomiao clicked their tongues.

Su Yi calmed down, and turned to remind Wen Haomiao: "Master Wen, let's take Magic Body Pill too."

"it is good."

Without the slightest hesitation, Wen Haomiao quickly took the Magic Body Pill.

The same is true for Su Yi.

Soon, they also developed the same symptoms as Jiang Cheng.

But after 10 minutes, he recovered.

With an increase of 1000 strength, Su Yi was still very excited.

Because it has the doubling effect of [Tiger Tiangang Fist] and [Seven Transformations of Insects], which is equivalent to increasing strength by 4000 kilograms, and the strength has risen to another level.

(End of this chapter)

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