Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1186 Gongsun Xiu Comes to Challenge

Chapter 1186 Gongsun Xiu Comes to Challenge

"Fifth Grandpa, I'm continuing to refine the elixir." Su Yi said.

The magic body pill has been researched and understood, so there is no time to waste.

Jiang Cheng interrupted: "Su Yi, what kind of elixir do you want to refine? Do you want me to help you?"

Of course Su Yi hoped that someone would help refine it, but Jiangcheng's level was really not flattering.

If Jiang Cheng were to make a move, he would not be able to refine five of them, and he would lose a lot of money.

Su Yi glanced at Jiang Cheng in a daze, and sighed, "Let's forget it."

"What do you mean, do you look down on me?" Jiang Cheng was a little unhappy.

Su Yi thought to himself, what do you mean you don't have a clue?

Of course, these words cannot be said, otherwise it will be too shocking.

Su Yi thought for a while and said, "Fifth Grandpa, I am refining the pill for others, and I promise to make five pills in each furnace. If you think it is possible, then try it."

"Five?" Jiang Cheng clicked his tongue fiercely.

It is true that he is a great alchemist, but there are only a handful of high-grade pills he has refined.

Let alone five in one furnace, sometimes even one cannot be refined.

If this helps Su Yi refine it, it will definitely be a joke in the end.

Jiang Cheng smiled awkwardly, "I haven't finished refining the Body Building Pill you asked me to refine, let's talk about it when it's over."

Su Yi knew in his heart that Jiang Cheng had given up, but he didn't give up. He greeted him and entered the alchemy room.

For the rest of the time, he did not do other things, and devoted himself to alchemy.

In the blink of an eye, two days passed.

During this period of time, Su refined more than 50 furnaces of pills, and the efficiency was still very impressive.

But it will take at least one more day to refine all the elixirs.

Just when Su Yi finished refining a pot of elixir and came out to recover, he saw Cao Qinglang and others running over excitedly.

"What happened?" Su Yi asked strangely.

Cao Qinglang quickly said: "Didn't a guy named Gongsun Xiu threaten to challenge you a few days ago? He posted on the Warrior Forum in the morning, saying that he would come to the death forbidden area to challenge you today. If you count the time, you should come soon It's here."

"Dare to come." Su Yi snorted coldly.

I have been so busy refining the elixir these days that I almost forgot about it.

"Let's go, let's go out and wait for this brother Gongsun!" Su Yi stepped out of Zhiyao Pagoda.

Cao Qinglang and others surrounded Su Yi and walked out together.

"Brother Jiang, why don't we go out and have a look?"

When Su Yi and the others left, Wen Haomiao turned to Jiang Cheng and asked.

"Su Yi is known as the number one powerhouse of the younger generation. Since his debut, he has fought dozens of small battles and has never lost. But I have never seen him make a move. It's okay to go and see." Jiang Cheng agreed.

When Su Yi and others stepped out of the cobblestone, they saw hundreds of people gathered outside.

Almost all the people in the rear base gathered here.

Obviously, they all received the news to watch the excitement.

Su Yi didn't care either, and walked straight forward.

"Su Yi, I heard from Fang Weize that the man named Gongsun Xiu is not easy, you must not be careless later." Li Zhenfeng reminded.


Su Yi nodded.

Gongsun Xiu has a strength of 20000 kilograms, and also has an armor that can weaken the opponent's strength by half.

It is the most powerful Lixiu he has met so far, except for Nannie, and it is indeed not sloppy.

"No. 2, check to see if there is any aircraft coming towards us." Su Yi ordered.

(End of this chapter)

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