Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1188 Brains Are Really Not Enough

Chapter 1188 Brains Are Really Not Enough

Su Yi signaled everyone to be calm and calm, then turned to look at the hulking man, and said calmly, "What's your name?"

"I am Gongsun Xiu!" Gongsun Xiu said proudly.

Su Yi nodded slightly, then changed his voice, "Do you know Chen Hu and Chen Xiong brothers?"

"What do you mean?" Gongsun Xiu frowned.

Su Yi's sudden words made him a little confused.

Su Yi said meaningfully: "I think you are very similar to the two brothers. I don't mean the appearance, but the brain."


Gongsun Xiu became more and more confused.

However, Cao Qinglang laughed suddenly and said, "Chen Hu and Chen Xiong are both bad-witted, and they are called mentally handicapped brothers. If you add them, they are a trio of idiots."

"Ha ha!"

After Cao Qinglang finished speaking, there was laughter all around.

At first, they didn't understand why Su Yi mentioned Brother Chen Hu.

After being reminded by Cao Qinglang, he realized that Su Yi was using this to humiliate Gongsun Xiu.

But it's right to think about it, Gongsun Xiu has put on a defiant attitude here, as if he has decided on Su Yi.

One must know that Su Yi is a fierce man who can kill even Duanmu Yingde, so what right does Gongsun Xiu have to act aggressive in front of Su Yi?
What the hell is this if it's not stupid?
Bai Pengyun next to him was a little speechless.

It was originally a strong dialogue between young people, but how did it develop into a verbal confrontation now?

If this video is recorded and sent to the Internet, how should the viewer feel?
"Su Yi, do you dare to scold me?"

Gongsun Xiu reacted, his face was green and red, and he roared at Su Yi with gritted teeth.

"You can blame others by scolding yourself?" Su Yi sneered.

If Gongsun Xiu came forward to challenge with a straight posture, he would not be so targeted.

The key point is that Gongsun Xiu is a little crazy.

He would definitely not get used to these problems when dealing with this kind of person.

Gongsun Xiu suppressed his anger and snorted coldly: "Su Yi, I don't want to talk bravely with you, so I ask you if you dare to accept my challenge?"

Su Yi said lightly: "What dare I not? However, I made a rule a long time ago that those who want to challenge me must give me some compensation."

"You want compensation?" Gongsun Xiu opened his mouth wide.

Before that, he had challenged dozens of people, and no one had ever asked him for compensation.

At this moment, he had some doubts whether Su Yi was afraid to accept it and deliberately made an excuse.

Bai Pengyun clicked his tongue, thinking that young people nowadays really know how to play tricks.

Before accepting the challenge, he still needs to be paid. He has seen it.

"Su Yi really has this rule." Zhang Canyang murmured.

He still remembered that when he challenged Su Yi in Venus City that day, Su Yi asked him for a reward.

Therefore, Su Yi's rule is real.

"Of course there will be a reward."

Su Yi glanced at Gongsun Xiu, and said as a matter of course: "Think about it differently, if some cats and dogs challenged you every day, would you be able to bear it? So I made such a rule, which can be regarded as raising the threshold."

"It's really unbearable."

Gongsun Xiu nodded subconsciously, but soon realized something was wrong, Su Yi was clearly scolding him.

Tolerable or unbearable!
Gongsun Xiu was furious, "Su Yi, I have tolerated you once, don't bully me too much!"

"Gongsun Xiu is still too tender." Bai Pengyun shook his head secretly.

Although Gongsun Xiu is also a well-known master of the younger generation, his personality is too impetuous.

Compared with Su Yi's sophistication and calmness, the gap is too big.

Being irritated with a few words, this kind of character will be embarrassing in the future.

It's no wonder that Su Yi said that Gongsun Xiu is a fool, which is exactly the case.

He was led by the nose by Su Yi from the beginning to the end, and his brain was really not enough.

(End of this chapter)

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