Chapter 1189

"If you can't bear it, don't bear it, give me a reward and challenge me." Su Yi said with a smile.

"What reward do you want?" Gongsun Xiu gritted his teeth and said.

He could tell that Su Yi would not accept the challenge without a reward.

Although Su Yi made a fuss about it, as long as Su Yi accepted the challenge, he would be able to teach Su Yi a lesson and become famous, which is worth it.

Su Yi said naturally: "Seeing how poor you are, you can't come up with anything good, so I will give you five top-quality spirit crystals."


Gongsun Xiu almost choked to death without spitting.

Five top-grade spirit crystals can be exchanged for at least thousands of high-grade spirit crystals.

Su Yi clearly opened his mouth like a lion.

"You can't even take out this spirit crystal, can you?"

Su Yi sneered, and said instead: "If you don't have top-grade spirit crystals, just give five thousand high-grade spirit crystals."

Most people really don't have the best spirit crystals.

He just tried it out. If there is no one, he can replace it with a high-grade spirit crystal, and he can earn a little.

"I don't have that many." Gongsun Xiu said in a low voice.

As a young genius, if you can't even get [-] high-grade spirit crystals, it is indeed a shameful thing.

Especially for someone like him who pays attention to face, it is even more difficult to talk about it.

But there is no way, it is what it is.

"How much can you give?" Su Yi asked.

"Two thousand." Gongsun Xiu said in a deep voice.

"Only two thousand?" Su Yi pondered.

Originally, seeing that Gongsun Xiu was a little simple-minded, he thought of making more troubles.

I never thought that Gongsun Xiu was poor.

However, two thousand high-grade spirit crystals are also within his acceptable range.

After all, he also wanted to teach Gongsun Xiu a lesson.

Taking the opportunity to ask for the spirit crystal is an extra gain.

Just when Su Yi was about to agree, Bai Tengyun said first, "Su Yi, I will make up for the remaining spirit crystals for Gongsun Xiu."

Although three thousand high-grade spirit crystals is not a small amount, it is nothing to him.

In addition, the main reason for coming all the way was to witness the fight between Su Yi and Gongsun Xiu.

If he gave up for the sake of three thousand spirit crystals, it would be a waste of time for him to come.

It's time to watch a battle with three thousand spirit crystals.

Su Yi was overjoyed, and said calmly: "Since senior is willing to say this Bilingjing, then I agree."

"Senior, thank you very much."

Gongsun Xiu first thanked Bai Tengyun, then turned to Su Yi, "Su Yi, can we do it now?"

"Hurry up!"

Su Yi snorted, stretched out his hand and spread it in front of Gongsun Xiu, "Give me the spirit crystal first."

"Are you afraid that I'll renege on your debt?" Gongsun Xiu's expression turned ugly.


Su Yi said angrily: "Who knows what kind of character you are? I won't accept the challenge if I don't give you the spirit crystal."


Gongsun Xiu was so manipulated, he gritted his teeth and took out two thousand top-quality spirit crystals and sent them to Su Yi.

Su Yi counted the quantity, confirmed that it was correct, and put it in [Qiankun Jie], then turned to look at Bai Tengyun.

"This kid doesn't even believe me!"

Bai Tengyun smiled wryly in his heart. Under Su Yi's gaze, he finally took out three thousand high-grade spirit crystals, and said to Su Yi: "Su Yi, it's okay for us to record a video later, right?"

"Okay." Su Yi nodded.

If it was someone else, he would definitely not want to.

Because the video is posted on the Internet, it is easy to expose its strength.

However, Bai Tengyun is one of the strongest in Blue Star after all, so he should show some face.

In addition, Qianji Building is a sect that collects information, and it may be useful to the other party in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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