Chapter 1194 Leaving Blue Star

After Su Yi finished looking around, when he was about to speak, the old bark man said firstly: "Boy, you are still very weak now, you should cultivate well for a day, and we will come to you tomorrow."

After saying that, he turned around and walked out of the cave.

The other six people did not stay, and followed behind the bark old man.

"Number 2, are you okay?"

After the other party had left, Su Yi asked worriedly.

He remembered clearly that when he was teleported away, [Smart Chariot] also entered.

Even he was seriously injured during the teleportation, will [Smart Chariot] be okay?

"Su Yi, I'm still alive." [Smart Chariot] whispered.

"It's good to live."

Su Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked: "Number 2, why do you want to teleport along with me, don't you know it's dangerous?"

Under the circumstances at that time, there was absolutely no need for [Smart Chariot] to take risks.

[Smart Chariot] said solemnly: "Two brothers in the world, how can I just watch you in danger and ignore it? Besides, if you don't have me by your side, you may not be able to handle some things come here."


Su Yi clicked his tongue.

[Smart Chariot] The previous words are still very touching, but the latter has changed a bit.

Su Yi didn't get entangled in this matter, and asked instead: "Number 2, have you seen Gongsun Xiu?"

The culprit who was sent here was Gongsun Xiu.

He would definitely not let Gongsunxiu go.

However, after taking a look in the cave before, he did not find Gongsun Xiu.

"That guy must be dead."

[Smart Chariot] said indifferently: "Even if you were seriously injured during the teleportation, that guy must not be able to carry it."

"That's right."

Su Yi nodded slightly.

His Body Tempering Realm has been promoted to the level of 65, and his physical strength is comparable to that of a defensive magic weapon.

Gongsun Xiu certainly does not have his physical fitness, and the possibility of being killed during the transmission is very high.

Of course, you can't be 100% sure.

Waiting for tomorrow, it is still necessary to confirm with the seven people just now.

After a while, Su Yi opened the [Qiankun Ring], took out a Rainbow Pill and took it.

Being in a strange place, the first thing to do is to heal your injuries and restore your strength.

Otherwise, it will be at the mercy of others.

Rainbow Pill is indeed a holy medicine for healing, Su Yi immediately felt that his injuries were improving rapidly after taking it.

However, this time the injury was too serious.

It is impossible to completely heal in one go, and it will take at least one day.

After recovering a little bit, Su Yi sat up slowly, and asked about the business, "Number 2, where have we been teleported?"

"I don't know exactly where it is, but judging from the transmission time, it is definitely not on Blue Star." [Smart Chariot] sighed.

After leaving Blue Star, he won't see the red chariot in a short time, and he couldn't help but feel melancholy.


Su Yi's expression changed.

As early as when he was teleporting, he had guessed this, and never thought it would come true.

And once you leave Blue Star, if you want to go back, it will become extremely difficult.

However, no matter how difficult it is, he must return to Blue Star.

Lan Xing has his relatives and friends. Without him as the backbone, he will definitely be unstoppable in the face of the invasion of fierce beasts and aliens.

Su Yi took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and then asked [Smart Chariot]: "No. 2, do you know the origins of those seven people?"

(End of this chapter)

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