Chapter 1195 Capricorn Race

"Su Yi, all seven of them are from the Capricorn tribe." [Smart Chariot] said.

"Capricorn family?"

Su Yi pondered for a while, and quickly remembered that [Smart Chariot] once said that among the few allies of the human race, there is the Capricorn race.

Thinking of this, he felt a little lucky, and fortunately, the place he teleported to was the territory of the Capricorn tribe.

If this is transmitted to another race's territory, it might be killed immediately.

Su Yi continued to ask: "What cultivation level are those seven Capricorn people?"

If he wants to leave here and return to Blue Star later, he will have to deal with these seven people, and it is necessary to find out the details of the seven people in advance.

"These seven people are all warriors of the God Realm, the strongest bark old man is the tenth level of the God Realm, and the weakest iron tower man is the third level of the God Realm." [Smart Chariot] said in a deep voice.


Su Yi gasped and was shocked on the spot.

Seven of them are all in the psychic state, and the strongest one is the tenth level of the psychic state. Isn't this too powerful?
Su Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to ask: "No. 2, are there only these seven people here?"

"Only these seven people."

[Smart Chariot] said: "In addition, I also discovered a secret. The space here is not very large, similar to a small secret realm. However, this secret realm should be located in the void."


Su Yi frowned, this was the first time he had heard of this term.

[Smart Chariot] explained: "The void is the area outside the planet."

"Is it possible to live outside the planet?" Su Yi was surprised.

[Smart Chariot] smiled and said: "There are many fallen lands outside the planet, and some meteorite groups, all of which can survive."


Su Yi nodded slightly, and suddenly thought of something, "No. 2, since this place is located in the void, and Gongsun Xiu has the scroll sent here, could he have something to do with these seven Capricorn people?"

If anything, they're in a bad situation.

"Don't worry, they won't have anything to do with each other." [Smart Chariot] said indifferently.

"Why are you so sure?" Su Yi was a little surprised.

[Smart Chariot] explained: "Gongsun Xiu is using a boundary-breaking teleportation talisman. This teleportation talisman is not directional, but random. Gongsun Xiu doesn't know where he will be teleported, so he won't interact with it." Capricorn people have a relationship."


Su Yi was stunned for a moment, and said thoughtfully: "Then why did Gongsun Xiu use the deciphering teleportation talisman? You don't want to die with me, do you?"

"I think that's what happened."

[Smart Chariot] analyzed: "Gongsun Xiu is a very crazy guy. He must know how destructive the Boundary Breaking Teleportation Talisman is. In fact, he wants to destroy you! However, he obviously underestimated your ability. He destroyed it by himself. Yes, but you survived."


Su Yi couldn't help but cursed.

Gongsun Xiu wanted to die, but he dragged him to the back. It's just too hateful!

At this moment, he wished he could save Gongsun Xiu and beat him to death again!

"Su Yi, don't be angry, let's study how to leave here and return to Blue Star." [Smart Chariot] reminded.

Su Yi pondered for a while, and asked: "No. 2, if you want to return to Blue Star, is there any other way besides going through the boundary channel?"


[Smart Chariot] said solemnly: "As long as you give me three mechanical hearts and let me advance to the ultimate form, I can freely travel through the universe and return to Blue Star with ease."

(End of this chapter)

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