Chapter 1196 Communication
"Aren't you talking nonsense?"

Su Yi glanced at [Smart Chariot], and said angrily: "If I had three mechanical hearts, I would have given them to you."

"I'll just say whatever I want."

[Smart Chariot] smiled awkwardly, and continued: "Without a mechanical heart, we can only return to Blue Star through the boundary channel."

"I'm afraid there is no boundary passage here?" Su Yi sighed.

[Smart Chariot] said with a smile: "Su Yi, I'm afraid you won't believe it, there are three realm passages here."


Su Yi's eyes lit up immediately.

[Smart Chariot] reminded: "Don't be too happy too early, there are three realm passages that are true, but they don't necessarily lead to Blue Star."


Su Yi's excitement dissipated in an instant, and he pondered for a while and said, "Just ask those seven people tomorrow."

Even if there is a boundary channel leading to Blue Star, it must be used with the permission of the other party.

So far, I only know the other party's cultivation base and which race he comes from, and don't know anything else.

I don't know if the other party can help me.

In the back, Su Yi didn't think too much, took out the food pad, and healed his injury with peace of mind.

The next day.

After a day and night of recuperation, Su Yi's injuries were basically healed.

After waiting in the cave for a while, he couldn't hold back any more people from the Capricorn tribe, so he got up and walked out of the cave.

Outside, is a valley-like place.

Surrounded by trees and flowers, the air is particularly fresh.

In the mountain stream in the distance, there is also a waterfall flowing down, forming a huge pool below.

"This place is like Xanadu."

Su Yi glanced at it and murmured.

"Hey, you can get out of bed so soon? Are you recovering from your injuries?"

Suddenly, a man's voice floated into Su Yi's ears.

Su Yi turned his head to look, but saw that the middle-aged man dressed as a scholar from yesterday appeared in front of him, and he was looking at him with surprised eyes at this moment.

Su Yi smiled and said, "The junior's injury has indeed recovered."

The middle-aged man took another look at Su Yi. Seeing that Su Yi's complexion was normal, and he didn't look like he was injured, he said strangely: "After a cross-boundary teleportation, it's a miracle to be able to survive. Most people need to rest at least for a while. It took a year and a half to recover, but you are a good kid, and you are alive and well in a day, how did you do it?"

Su Yi didn't hide anything, and said directly: "This junior took a holy medicine for healing yesterday, which is why he recovered so quickly."

"Even with the holy medicine for healing, it is impossible to recover so quickly. Your physical fitness must be far beyond ordinary people." The middle-aged scholar said meaningfully.

Su Yi frowned, secretly thinking that the other party's eyes were indeed vicious.

After being promoted to the 65th stage of Body Tempering Realm, his physical fitness is indeed far superior to others by a large margin.

"Perhaps it's because the junior is a power cultivator." Su Yi explained.


The middle-aged scholar nodded slightly, approving Su Yi's words.

"Yo! You can come down and walk around, are you recovering well?"

But at this moment, two more people came over.

It was the elf-like little loli and the alluring woman yesterday, and it was the latter who spoke.

"I met the two seniors." Su Yi greeted respectfully.

The opponents are all warriors in the realm of the gods, and they must be given enough respect.

"Yesterday, I only felt that you were thin and tender. I didn't expect you to be so handsome. It's my favorite type."

The coquettish woman's eyes never left Su Yi's eyes, and there was a scorching light in her eyes without any concealment.

That feeling was like treating Su Yi as prey.

(End of this chapter)

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