Chapter 1197 Really unwilling

Su Yi suddenly felt his scalp go numb.

The other party, as a martial artist in the realm of the gods, can be regarded as an elder.

How can the elders tease the younger ones?

"Senior, stop joking with me." Su Yi forced a smile.

Instinctively, he thought the other party was just a joke.

"Our fourth child never jokes, she likes old cows to eat tender grass, so you have to be careful."

Little Lolita blinked at Su Yi and said meaningfully.

Su Yi was dumbfounded.

not kidding?

The coquettish woman looks like a middle-aged woman, but she must be at least a hundred years old if she can cultivate to the state of supernatural powers.

On the other hand, I am less than 20 years old, and I am really a big yellow flower.

If this is taken down, wouldn't it be a shame?

There is no place to cry!
"Su Yi, otherwise you should just follow. The other party is a martial artist in the supernatural realm after all, and he can follow you in the future." [Smart Chariot] Suppressed a smile and sent a voice transmission to Su Yi.

Su Yi's face darkened immediately, he reached out and grabbed the pocket, and squeezed it hard.

The [Smart Chariot] hidden in his pocket felt like it was about to be crushed, and hurriedly begged for mercy, "Su Yi, I was kidding you! How can that old monster be worthy of you."

Su Yi snorted softly, and slowly let go of his hand.

"Boy, Lao Qi is right. I really have a soft spot for you. You might as well think about it." A provocative look appeared on the charming woman's beautiful face.

"I think about your sister! You old monster, can you get some face?" Su Yi cursed secretly in his heart.

Of course, he could only slander in his heart and never dared to say it in person.

If this is said, it is guaranteed to be killed by the other party.

"Senior, I have a family, so I don't think about it." Su Yi said helplessly.

"You can call me the fourth child, the senior sounds awkward."

The coquettish woman reminded her, and then said: "For a man, it is normal to have three wives and four concubines. Although I am a bit older than you, I still have charm, and I am a good match for you."

Su Yi felt a sudden chill, and almost couldn't hold back his curse.

The opponent was at least a few rounds older than him, or a dozen rounds, but he only said that he was a little older.

He has seen how shameless he is.

"What? Don't you want to?"

Seeing that Su Yi didn't make a statement, the coquettish woman's complexion became unsightly.

"I really don't want to." Su Yi said coldly.

Saying this will definitely irritate the other party, but he must express his position and not leave room for the other party to imagine.

Hearing this, the coquettish woman's eyes suddenly narrowed, and a faint murderous aura emanated from her body.

"Quite a personality!"

Little Lolita took a look at Su Yi, and a playful smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

The middle-aged scholar nodded slightly, with a look of appreciation in his eyes.

Just as the atmosphere on the field froze, a man's voice drifted over.

"Fourth, are you harming the young man again?"

After finishing the words, I saw four people walking towards me, they were exactly the four bark old men who appeared in the cave yesterday.

And the one who spoke was the strong man of the iron tower.

"You need to take care of what my old lady is doing?" The coquettish woman snorted coldly.

"I'm too lazy to care about it!" The strong man in the iron tower said indifferently.

"Don't say a word or two."

The bark old man gave a signal, his gaze fell on Su Yi, and he said with a smile: "The recovery is much faster than expected, it is indeed a bit unusual."

(End of this chapter)

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