Chapter 1205 Concession
Nannan pouted and said angrily, "Brother, I really will let him, why doesn't he believe me?"

There is no bad intention in these words, after all, she is still very simple.

However, it is not a taste to fall into the ears of everyone.

In their view, the girl just looks down on the strong man of the iron tower.

Good guy, it's fine for Su Yi to be like this, and the same is true for spiritual pets. This is the rhythm that is going to kill the strong man in the iron tower!
Su Yi comforted: "Don't take it to heart, my senior, who is a high-spirited senior, will understand your painstaking efforts."

"I understand your sister!"

The strong man in the iron tower stared wide-eyed, and his eyes were about to burst into flames.

Muran, he yelled at the fat man: "Third brother, take out that table of yours."

Since you want to wrestle your wrists, you naturally need a table.

Ordinary tables certainly cannot withstand tens of thousands of kilograms of force, and only special tables can do it.

The fat man quickly took out a metal table and placed it in front of him.

This table is made of a rare metal, it is indestructible, and it is most suitable for arm wrestling.

"Little one, hurry up!" The strong man in the iron tower strode up to the table and urged his daughter.

"Being defeated is very strong!" Su Yi sighed softly and winked at her daughter.

Nannan raised her eyebrows and walked forward quickly.

Later, both of them put their arms on the table and staggered together.

The arms of the strong man on the iron tower are as thick as thighs, while the arms of the girl are extremely slender. The comparison between the two gives people a very intuitive impact.

The obese man acted as the referee and reminded: "You two are ready, I will count to three, and when the count reaches one, you can start."

After the words fell, he began to count.

"Fall me down!"

The strong man in the iron tower took the lead, trying to crush Nannan in the first place.

However, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't shake Nannan's arm at all.

"How much is her strength?" The strong man in the iron tower was shocked.

"what's the situation?"

Everyone else was also a little dazed.

Originally, they all thought that the strong man in the iron tower could easily win.

But the reality is not so.

The strong man in the iron tower blushed, obviously exerting all his strength, but did not make any progress.

On the other hand, her niece had a leisurely and contented look from the beginning to the end, which was clearly a sign of lack of effort.

You must know that the strength value of the strong man in the iron tower has reached the level of 20000 kilograms, and he couldn't even turn a wave in front of the girl.

How much strength does that girl have?
30000 kg? 40000 kg?

Just when everyone was in a trance, Nannan chuckled, "I've saved face for you, and I'm going to do it next."

After saying that, she increased her strength a bit, and easily pressed the arm of the strong man on the iron tower to the table.


The strong man in the iron tower seemed very unwilling, and tried his best to save the defeat.

But in the face of Nannan's 60000 kg strength, it was all in vain.

A loud bang!
I saw that Nanni increased her strength a little more, and directly pressed the arm of the strong man on the iron tower to the table.

Whichever side's arm touches the table, it means which side loses.

"Senior, promise, I won the first match." Su Yi laughed heartily.

The strong man in the iron tower had a pale face, and said unconvinced: "Don't get complacent too early, this is only the first round, and there are six more rounds to come."

"Senior, if you are angry in your heart, you can continue to fight in the next six games." Su Yi provocatively.

(End of this chapter)

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