Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1206 Victory Without Fighting

Chapter 1206 Victory Without Fighting
The strong man in the iron tower snorted coldly, turned around and ignored it.

He has already lost one game, and if he loses in a row, he will be ashamed.

Without full confidence, I will not play again.

"Su Yi, let's start the second round." The bark old man reminded.


Su Yi nodded, and said: "In the second match, let's eat more. Whoever eats more will win."

"Eat?" Everyone was stunned.

I thought Su Yi's ideas were really wild.

The strong man in the iron tower originally planned to stop the drums and drums, but when he heard that he was eating more, he suddenly became energetic and uttered nonsense, "How dare you eat more than us with your small body? It's a shame! This one, I'll play with you!"

"Sixth, stay where it's cooler, you can still eat compared to the third?" Little Lolita gave the strong man in the iron tower a look.

The strong man in the iron tower took a look at the fat man's body, and agreed: "You are right, the third child is even stronger."

"Then I'll be more respectful than obedient."

The obese man chuckled, and then said to Su Yi: "Su Yi, although I am very optimistic about you, rules are rules, and I will not let you go when the competition is over."

Su Yi pinched his nose and reminded: "Senior, you may have misunderstood. In the second round, I will let one of my spiritual pets play."

"Soul pet?"

The fat man frowned slightly.

He is indeed a good eater, as can be judged by his body shape.

However, compared with some huge spiritual pets, it has no advantage at all.

At this moment, he wondered if Su Yi had such a spiritual pet?
"Stop talking nonsense, summon your spiritual pet, and compete with our youngest." The strong man in the iron tower said arrogantly.

"Hold on."

Su Yi smiled, first took his daughter into [Langya Ring], and then summoned the ancient dragon from the center of the earth.

The geocentric ancient dragon can eat more than a dozen strange beasts in one meal, eating more than anyone else, and everyone present is younger brother.

When the huge figure of the core ancient dragon appeared in front of his eyes, the obese man and the others were stunned.

How can it compare to this?
Is it clearly a bully?

The strong man in the iron tower swallowed, and growled at Su Yi: "Su Yi, you let an ancient dragon in the center of the earth fight, it's obviously stupid, can't you afford it?"

Su Yi sneered and said: "The rules are set by you, and I have asked before, spiritual pets can fight. As a martial artist in the realm of the gods, you still want to go back on your word?"

The strong man in the iron tower was suddenly speechless.

Indeed, they promised so before.

But I didn't expect Su Yi to have so many strange spiritual pets, and I was too aggrieved to lose!

"Sixth, don't mess around, we can still lose."

The bark old man scolded, and then said to Su Yi: "Su Yi, you win this round, let's start the third round."

"Isn't it even a match? Why admit defeat?" The strong man in the iron tower objected on the spot.

"Your sister's!"

The fat man glared at the strong man in the iron tower.

It's better than a fart!
Ten of them added up didn't eat as much as one earth core ancient dragon.

The strong man in the iron tower obviously just watched the excitement without thinking it was a big deal.

"Sixth, I'm not going to compete with you." The fat man said angrily.

The strong man in the iron tower was immediately discouraged, "Forget it, let Su Yi take advantage of it."

Su Yi ignored him, and turned to the old man bark and said, "Senior, let's change to a creative competition format for the third game."

(End of this chapter)

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