Chapter 1208

"Master, what's the arrangement?" Wukong asked Su Yi first.

Su Yi pointed at the middle-aged scholar and said, "We'll have a pissing competition with this senior to see who can pee farther."

Wukong tilted his head and looked at the middle-aged scholar, and smiled, "Small."

Su Yi reminded: "Don't be careless, this senior had the title of urine god when he was young, so he must go all out."

Every game is related to whether he can return to Blue Star, and he simply cannot afford to lose.

Wukong looked disdainful, "Master, don't worry, I'm a piss saint!"

Hearing this, everyone was a little speechless.

In just a short while, the God of Urine and the Saint of Urine have been assembled?

If this goes on, there might be something wrong with it.

The bark old man hurriedly reminded, "You should hurry up."

"Little monkey, come with me, let's compare." The middle-aged scholar greeted Wukong.

"My name is Wukong."

Wukong made a correction, and left here with the middle-aged scholar.

Su Yi and the others stood still and waited.

This kind of game format, if you go to watch, it will easily affect the performance of the players.

So none of them followed.

Time flies, and 3 minutes have passed.

Suddenly, a figure flew over from a distance, it was Wukong.

At this moment, with a look of excitement on his face, he shouted: "Master, I won! I peed three millimeters more than him."

"Three millimeters?"

Su Yi clicked his tongue. He didn't know how they measured it. Anyway, it's good to win.

Waiting for Wukong to return to Su Yi, the middle-aged scholar also walked back slowly, with a look of reluctance on his face, muttering, "I can't accept my old age, it's just a little short, if I had known that I would have shivered at the time All right."

The old color of the bark old man is not very good.

If you lose, you lose, no big deal.

The key is that it is necessary to tell the details?Shame on you?
"Old Five, you have disappointed me so much!"

When the middle-aged scholar returned to his side, the strong man in the iron tower snorted angrily.

The middle-aged scholar countered: "Didn't your loss in the first match be worse? What qualifications do you have to say about me?"

"I was careless!" The strong man in the iron tower retorted with a blushing face.

"Okay, stop arguing here."

The old bark interrupted, and then turned to Su Yi, "Su Yi, what do you want to compare in the fourth match?"

Su Yi had already made up his mind and said, "Let's compete in gambling."

"Gambling skills?"

Everyone was a little dazed.

Su Yi explained: "Doudizhu, Zajinhua, blackjack, do you know how to play?"


The obese man and the others looked confused and became more and more confused.

Su Yi knew that the other party must have never played before, and he might not accept gambling, so he simply said: "Let's do something simple, compare luck."

"Comparing luck? Can this thing be compared?" Everyone expressed their incomprehension.

Su Yi took out a pack of playing cards, spread them out in front of everyone, and introduced: "This pack of cards has 54 cards in total, excluding the big and small kings, there are 52 cards. Let's draw one each. Whoever has the most points will be the winner." winner."

Everyone understood that this is indeed a way to compare luck.

However, they couldn't understand it.

If you do this, Su Yi's chance of winning is only half, so you don't worry about losing?

How did they know that Wukong is a lucky monkey, who can compare with Wukong's luck?

As long as Wukong is there, victory is guaranteed.

(End of this chapter)

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