Chapter 1209
"Su Yi, do you really want to compare luck?" The bark old man stepped forward and asked.

"Yes." Su Yi affirmed.

The bark old man didn't ask any more questions, but turned to the others and said, "Who will play this game?"

Luck is actually a mysterious and mysterious thing, and it is the same for everyone.

But at this moment, everyone looked at Little Lolita.

In my impression, Little Lolita is the luckiest one among them.

For example, when we go out to hunt for treasure together, the first one to find the treasure is always little loli.

It doesn't matter if you don't accept it.

"All right, I'll meet Su Yi." Little Lolita smiled slyly.

"Su Yi, our candidate has been selected, let's start quickly." The strong man in the iron tower became impatient again.

Su Yi handed the playing cards to the fat old man, "Senior, you can shuffle the cards."

Let the opponent shuffle the cards, and there is no suspicion of cheating.

Anyway, with Wukong's ability, there is no need but nothing.


The fat old man nodded, quickly shuffled the cards and laid them out on the metal table.

"Who will come first?" The strong man in the iron tower asked.

Su Yi shrugged, and said indifferently: "Whatever, everyone is the same."

The strong man in the iron tower turned to look at Little Lolita, who nodded slightly, "Then I'll go first."

Little Lolita walked to the metal table, lowered her head, glanced at the playing cards, and picked one at random.

"Old Seven, quickly open it and have a look." The strong man in the iron tower urged.

Little Loli didn't hesitate, and quickly turned over the playing cards, and it was an Ace of Hearts.

According to the rules, ace is the biggest card, which means that little loli has already won the invincible position.

"Are you so lucky?" Su Yi frowned slightly, but soon relaxed.

Because he is full of confidence in Wukong.

"Haha! Su Yi, you lost, what else do you have to say this time?" The strong man in the iron tower suddenly laughed wildly.

Instinctively, he thought that the little loli had drawn the biggest card, and they would win the game.

Su Yi stared blankly at the strong man in the iron tower, just like looking at a fool.

"Su Yi, what do you mean? Are you trying to play tricks?" Seeing that Su Yi's eyes were not right, the strong man in the iron tower asked coldly.

Su Yi smiled and said: "You guys are done drawing, but I haven't drawn yet. How do you know I will lose?"

"Su Yi is right." Little Lolita affirmed, and then said to the strong man in the iron tower: "Lao Liu, you go to the side and don't follow blindly!"

"My Nima!"

The strong man in the iron tower was so aggrieved that he felt like a clown.

It's fine for Su Yi to look down on him, why do his own people hate him?
"Su Yi, it's your turn." When the strong man in the iron tower calmed down, the little loli reminded him.

"Wukong, come on."

Su Yi winked at Wukong.


Wukong walked forward quickly, without even looking at it, he randomly drew a card.

"I don't believe you can draw an ace." The strong man in the iron tower snorted coldly.

"Wukong, open it and have a look." Su Yi reminded.

At this moment, he was somewhat nervous.

In case Wukong's luck is gone, there is no way to return to Blue Star.

Wukong was very calm, and quickly turned the playing cards over.

All eyes were on the playing card.

The next moment, an ace of spades appeared in everyone's sight.


Su Yi clenched his hands, seemingly excited.

"I'm damn!" The strong man in the iron tower opened his eyes wide, feeling very evil.

The probability of getting an A from more than 50 photos is very small. Could it be that this monkey, like the little loli, also has the ability to increase luck?
(End of this chapter)

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