Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1241 The solution is very simple

Chapter 1241 The solution is very simple

"Can we just wait to die?" The strong man in the iron tower sighed.

This sigh caused the others to hang their heads in despondency.

"Aren't there any powerful Lixiu among you?" Bai Xin asked unwillingly.

"Yes, but it won't be Megatron's opponent." The bark old man glanced at the towering man, and said helplessly.

The strong man in the iron tower didn't pretend to be aggressive at this time, and kept silent.

Just when the atmosphere fell into silence, Su Yi suddenly said, "This junior has a way."


Everyone cheered up, and Qi Qi looked at Su Yi.

If someone else said this, they would just ignore it.

But Su Yi is different, Su Yi has a lot of ghost ideas, maybe he really has a way.

Bai Xin also looked at Su Yi quietly.

After killing Qi Ling before, she had already taken a new look at Su Yi.

"Su Yi, what can you do?" The strong man in the iron tower couldn't help asking.

Su Yi said calmly: "The solution is very simple, just enter the forbidden place and kill Megatron, isn't it enough?"


Everyone was dumbfounded.

They didn't expect Su Yi to say such a thing. Could it be a joke?

Everyone knows this method, but who can kill Megatron?
So, this is tantamount to nonsense.

The bark old man reminded: "Su Yi, even your spiritual pet and the sixth child will not be opponents."

"I know this." Su Yi said naturally: "Isn't there still me?"

"You?" Everyone was stunned.

It is true that Su Yi is a powerful cultivator, but he is only a little stronger than the strong man of the iron tower.

The strength value will not exceed 30000 kilograms, so how can it be Megatron's opponent.

The strong man in the iron tower clicked his tongue, "Su Yi, although we are friends, you can't brag! Megatron's strength is close to 70000 kilograms, and the three of us together are not one."

Su Yi glanced at the strong man in the iron tower, and said indifferently: "I don't mean you, my daughter and I are enough."

Iron tower strong man: "."

What's the meaning?Be despised?

I am Nima!Isn't this too contemptuous?
Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, wondering where Su Yi's confidence came from.

Bai Xin sneered: "Su Yi, you are too overconfident. Do you know how powerful Megatron is? Don't embarrass yourself here!"

Just now, he also changed his opinion of Su Yi.

But at this moment, Su Yi was completely regarded as an arrogant person.

Su Yixu squinted his eyes and looked at Bai Xin, and said contemptuously: "Xiaobai, what did I tell you before? Just because you are incompetent, it doesn't mean that others are also useless! Remember it carefully, don't ask me to remind you again. Third time."

"You..." Bai Xin's chest heaved violently, and sparks appeared in his eyes.

She found that Su Yi was going too far!

She reprimanded unscrupulously in front of everyone, does she want to lose face?
Simply deceiving!
"What time is it, and you still want to make noise?" The old bark snorted, then turned to Su Yi and asked, "Su Yi, are you really sure?"

Su Yi nodded, "It's a matter of family and life, I'm not joking."

The old bark thought about it, and Muran said, "Just follow Su Yi's method."

Based on his understanding of Su Yi, Su Yi would never be aimless in some major matters.

Having said that, it must be sure.

(End of this chapter)

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