Chapter 1242 Beast Spirit
"Then let Su Yi try." Everyone agreed.

The boss has spoken, and it is useless to object.

Bai Xin frowned, and said to the bark old man, "Is that why you trust him?"

Su Yi is the lowest cultivation among all the people, why should he be trusted?
This made her very puzzled.

"Do you have a better way?" the bark old man asked back.

"No." Bai Xin froze immediately.

"Then it's decided, let's hurry up and act." The bark old man urged.

Killing Megatron was urgent, and the longer it was delayed, the more likely it would be trouble.

"Wait a minute." Bai Xin interrupted: "Before killing Megatron, you have to deal with his two subordinates first."

"Aren't those two weapon spirits at the first level of the supernatural realm? It's not easy to kill them." The strong man in the iron tower looked disdainful.

Among the people present, they all have the strength to kill the first level of the supernatural realm.

Even for Su Yi, with the help of the sword spirit, there will be no problem.

"You only know one thing but don't know the other." Bai Xin sighed and explained: "Before entering the forbidden place, you must first pass through a valley. In this valley, a formation that suppresses cultivation is arranged, and those who enter His cultivation is suppressed at the fifth level of the Illusory Spirit Realm."

"That's nothing to worry about, right?" the strong man in the iron tower said indifferently.

Lowering their cultivation will indeed have some impact on them, but after all, the number is superior.

It is not easy for nine people to deal with two.

"Depressing the cultivation is just one of them." Bai Xin continued: "The two weapon spirits are also very difficult to deal with, one of them has been transformed into a puppet, and its defense is so strong that ordinary methods cannot break through it at all." The other one is even more powerful, he is evolved from a Soul Seal, he can control a hundred souls to attack, and the strength of each beast spirit has reached the fifth level of the Illusory Spirit Realm."


Everyone took a deep breath.

If a hundred beast spirits from the fifth level of the Illusory Spirit Realm attacked them at the same time, they might not be able to resist them.

"Beast spirit?" Su Yi muttered, and it always felt familiar, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

"No. 2, what is a beast spirit?" Su Yi asked.

Since I can't remember it, I simply don't want to think about it, and let the know-it-all [Smart Chariot] answer it.

"Beast spirits are transformed from the souls of strange beasts." [Smart Chariot] said: "Isn't the [Seven Changes of Waking of Insects] you practiced just absorbing a beast spirit? In addition, the black Xue Jinjing snatched from the hands of evil cultivators A dragon is also a beast spirit."


Su Yi suddenly realized, and said with a concentrated expression: "From this point of view, we are in trouble."

The strength of the beast spirits is also very strong, such as the Black Xue Jin Jinglong, which can almost be regarded as invincible at the same level.

If among the hundred beast spirits, there were a few Black Xue Jin Jinglongs, then it was inevitable that they would not suffer casualties.

[Smart Chariot] comforted: "Su Yi, you don't have to worry too much. There are powerful beast spirits, but they are very rare. In addition, the attack power of beast spirits is very strong, but because of the loss of the body, The defense is very fragile, and you can easily kill it with your abilities."

Su Yi was puzzled and said: "No, the Black Xue Jin Jinglong's defense is extremely strong, not even inferior to mine."

At that time, Jin Hongxuan used [Body and Sword Unity] and Hei Xue Jin Jinglong's hard steel, and it only shattered one of Hei Xue Jin Jinglong's claws.

From this, it can be seen how terrifying the defense power of the Black Xue Jin Jinglong is.

(End of this chapter)

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