Chapter 1243 Equal to a Chance

[Smart Chariot] explained: "The Black Xue Jin Jinglong is a rare beast spirit, how can ordinary beast spirits be compared with it. Besides, the Black Xue Jin Jinglong you saw is an undead, and the undead itself is more The beast spirit is several times stronger."

"Then I'm relieved." Su Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

[Smart Chariot] continued: "Su Yi, this is actually an opportunity for you."

"What do you mean?" Su Yi frowned.

Opportunities cannot be met but cannot be sought. Could it be possible to benefit from killing beast spirits?

[Smart Chariot] smiled and said: "To be precise, it is the opportunity of your spiritual pets. As long as the spiritual pet swallows the beast spirit, its strength will soar rapidly. And the higher the level of the beast spirit, the more it will be improved. many."

"Nice!" Su Yi was startled immediately.

With the continuous improvement of his own strength, the opponents he faced became more and more powerful.

Except for the nannies, the other spiritual pets can't help at all, and they are almost reduced to tasteless.

If you can improve your strength by swallowing beast spirits, it will indeed be the last opportunity for spiritual pets.

Su Yi calmed down, then turned to the old man with bark and said, "Senior, when you get to that valley, don't kill those beast spirits, I'll save them for great use."

"Ah?" The old man bark was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Su Yi, what do you want to do?"

Su Yi explained: "Spiritual pets can improve their strength by devouring beast spirits. I plan to leave the beast spirits to my spiritual pets."

"Is there such a thing?" The bark old man's expression changed, and he said: "We try our best to cooperate with you, but there are a hundred beast spirits. When it comes to desperate, we can't take care of so many."

"I understand, just do your best." Su Yi nodded.

He can understand this point. Facing the impact of a hundred Illusory Spirit Realm fifth-level beast spirits, if he doesn't try his best, he may cause casualties to himself.

And once desperate, they will not take into account the life and death of the beast spirit.

"Have you finished talking? When shall we act?" At this time, Bai Xin stepped forward and asked.

"Let's start now." The bark old man responded.

"That's good, you all follow me." Bai Xin ordered, and flew into the air, heading straight in one direction.

"Senior, you all come to my chariot." Su Yi greeted, and then threw the [smart chariot] into the air.


[Smart chariot] turned into an aircraft about ten feet in size, suspended in mid-air.

Su Yi jumped up and jumped up.

The bark old man and the others looked at each other, and followed Su Yi closely without the slightest hesitation.

When everyone came up, Su Yi ordered: "No. 2, follow Xiaobai."

[Smart chariot] Pick up the speed, and quickly catch up behind Bai Xin.

Seeing this scene, Bai Bai felt a little depressed.

If she had known that the other party had an aircraft, she wouldn't have to be so anxious. It would be so comfortable to sit in an aircraft with everyone.

Su Yi opened the hatch and greeted Bai Xin: "Xiaobai, why don't you come up and have a seat?"

"No need!" Bai Xin snorted coldly and ignored it.

Su Yi was humiliated continuously before, and he was angry with Su Yi.

"As you like." Su Yi looked indifferent, and then closed the hatch.

In the following time, under the leadership of Bai Xin, they have been flying thousands of kilometers.Gradually, a continuous mountain range appeared in front of him.

Tall mountains stand among them, some even as high as thousands of meters, giving people a very shocking feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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