Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1244 Simply High-Profile Once

Chapter 1244 Simply High-Profile Once

When he came to the mountain range, Bai Xin gestured to the [Smart Chariot] to go down, and flew down.

[Intelligent Chariot] After falling to the ground, everyone came out one after another.

"Are you there?" the bark old man asked first.

Bai Xin said: "The valley is 100 meters ahead, should we discuss how to deal with those two spirits?"

Those two weapon spirits are very powerful existences, if there is no good countermeasure, if they enter rashly, they will be easily endangered.

"What else can I do? Just do it and it's over." The strong man in the iron tower suggested.

"A reckless man!" Bai Xin glanced at the strong man in the iron tower with contempt in his eyes.

The bark old man thought for a while and said: "If the other party directly releases a hundred beast spirits, we have no choice but to work hard. But if only a few appear at a time, don't rush to do it, let me deal with them .”

The purpose of this is to help Su Yi catch the beast spirit.

"Just follow the boss's method." Everyone was meaningless.

Bai Xin reminded: "Don't ignore that puppet spirit, it is indestructible and the threat to us is even greater."

Hearing this, everyone fell into silence.

With their cultivation bases suppressed at the same level, they really had no good way to deal with a puppet with strong defense.

"Otherwise, let's separate our hands to hold the puppet spirit first, and wait until the beast spirit is solved, and the spirit will join hands to deal with him." The middle-aged scholar expressed his opinion.

Bai Xin disagreed, "If you want to hold that puppet spirit, at least three people are needed. In this case, we will be a bit stretched when facing that beast spirit."

"This doesn't work, that doesn't work, can we just wait for death?" The strong man in the iron tower muttered.

"Hey! There is really no good way." Everyone else looked sad.

The atmosphere fell into silence again.

Su Yi suddenly said: "Seniors, I have a solution."

"You have another idea?" Everyone was surprised.

At critical moments, Su Yi always stepped forward, which made them feel a little complicated.

After all, Su Yi was only in the Illusory Spiritual Realm.

On the contrary, they are all in the realm of gods.

In the end, they had to rely on Su Yi, which seemed somewhat incompetent to them.

Bai Xin looked at Su Yi and sneered, "Su Yi, you don't want to deal with that puppet spirit alone, do you?"

"Xiaobai, you are quite smart." Su Yi smiled, and said solemnly: "Let me deal with that puppet spirit."

After entering the valley, one's cultivation will be suppressed to the fifth level of the Illusory Spirit Realm.

And his cultivation level happened to be at the fifth level of the Illusory Spirit Realm.

In the same level, no one will be his opponent, and there is still some confidence in this.

"Huh?" Everyone was surprised.

Su Yi is going to choose heads-up again?Is this too steel?
"Do you know how powerful that weapon spirit is? Who gave you the confidence?" Bai Xin sneered.

She didn't believe that Su Yi had such strength at all.

Su Yi glanced at Bai Xin, and said lightly: "I have the self-confidence, because among the same level, I am an invincible existence at all!"

The other party always looked at him with a low-key attitude, which made him very uncomfortable, so he might as well make a high-profile one.

In addition, if you want to capture the beast spirit safely, you must first kill the puppet spirit.

Apart from him, there is really no suitable candidate.

(End of this chapter)

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