Chapter 1251 Wukong has evolved

"What about Meng E and Nan Nan?" Su Yi asked.

Meng'e is a divine beast, and her daughter is even more unusual. The two of them should be promoted more, right?

[Smart Chariot] said: "Meng'e's talent is indeed higher, and she is at the first level of the supernatural realm, and it is estimated that she can be promoted to the second level of the supernatural realm. As for the nannie, I don't know too much."

"Understood." Su Yi nodded, somewhat disappointed, but soon relieved.

No matter how you say this time, it can be regarded as a big opportunity.

Originally, all the spirit pets were in the Gathering Soul Realm, and it was already very good to be promoted to the Illusory Spirit Realm all at once.

Asking too much is a bit greedy.

Su Yi collected his thoughts and continued to look at the spiritual pet.

Soon, he discovered that the Skycracking Eagle was the first to stop devouring the beast spirits, which meant that it had reached its limit as predicted by [Smart Chariot].

"Level [-] of the Illusory Spirit Realm, it's not bad." Su Yi muttered.

Among all the soul pets, apart from Wu Kong, Sky Splitting Eagle is the least gifted. It is not bad to be promoted to the second level of the Illusory Spiritual Realm.

Time Dirt Beast, Half-moon Star Beast and Geocentric Ancient Dragon are the second batch to stop.

However, they have all been promoted to the fifth level of the Illusory Spirit Realm.

As for the remaining Wukong, Nannan and Meng'e, they continued to devour the beast spirits.

"Huh?" Su Yi was a little strange.

Wukong's talent is not even comparable to Skyhawk, why can he continue to devour beast spirits?
Could it be because of the slowness of eating?
Su Yi looked at Wukong carefully, and was completely shocked when he realized that Wukong had been promoted to the fifth level of the Illusory Spirit Realm.

what's the situation?
Is Wukong a gifted monkey?
Otherwise, why would it be promoted as much as the time dirt beast?

Just when Su Yi felt unbelievable, he saw that Nannan and Meng'e also stopped devouring, but Wukong was still devouring a beast spirit as usual.

"No. 2, what's the situation with Wukong?" Su Yi couldn't understand, so he could only ask [Smart Chariot].

[Smart Chariot] After pondering for a moment, he guessed: "Wukong is probably a mutant monkey."

"Mutated monkey?" Su Yi frowned. What the hell is this?

[Smart Chariot] For example, "It's like Fatty Cao, doesn't he have an indestructible body? He can take unlimited pills to improve his cultivation. After Wukong mutates, he has the ability to swallow more beast spirits to improve his strength. Ability."

"Very likely." Su Yi pondered for a while, and suddenly became overjoyed.

There are more than 20 beast spirits at the scene. If Wukong devours all of them, they might be able to break through to the realm of the gods in one fell swoop.

Thinking of this, Su Yi hurriedly greeted the old man bark: "Senior, help me catch all these beast spirits, don't kill any of them."

"Okay." The bark old man nodded, and then yelled at the strong man in the iron tower: "Lao Liu, don't kill, catch the alive."

Everyone else was able to control it, only the strong man with the iron tower led the sledgehammer and killed four or five beast spirits in a short time.


The strong man in the iron tower restrained a lot, and cooperated with others to capture the beast spirit.

Whenever one is subdued, it will still be given to Wukong.

When Wukong swallowed a beast spirit again, an unusually violent aura suddenly erupted from his body.

Accompanied by the abnormal sound of bones, he saw that his figure suddenly rose to two meters away.

The body has also become extremely strong, and the muscles on the thick arms are raised high, full of explosive power.

"Has Wukong evolved?" Su Yi looked at Wukong in a daze, his expression a little dazed.

(End of this chapter)

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