Chapter 1252 Wukong Stands Up
Suddenly, Wukong looked up to the sky and let out a long roar.

The sound was like thunder, exploding in the valley.

Everyone looked sideways, and in their sights, Wukong held up a ten-foot-long golden stick, and smashed it down at the beast spirit.

There was a loud bang.

The five beast spirits were directly smashed into powder by the golden stick. When the stick fell to the ground, the sky collapsed and the ground cracked, and a long ditch opened on the ground.

At this time, Wukong seemed to have transformed into a real Monkey King, wreaking havoc in the heavenly palace with a golden cudgel in his hand.

From that posture, gods block and kill gods and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas!
It's so awesome.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

This lucky monkey, who claims to be a piss saint, has become so fierce?

What happened?
All the spiritual pets also looked at Wukong in astonishment. At this moment, they only had one thought, and it might not be easy to handle Wukong in the future.

"This monkey is interesting." A strange color flickered in Nannan's eyes, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Wukong is so fierce after his evolution?" Su Yi clicked his tongue fiercely.

With that stick just now, Wukong didn't even use his aura, and he killed five beast spirits with his strength.

So, what is Wukong's strength now?At least fight with Nannan.

"Ha ha!"

Wukong laughed triumphantly, "Beast spirits are nothing more than that, give me another blow!"

After saying that, he held up the [Golden Disc Dragon Stick], preparing for the next wave of attacks.

Su Yi quickly stopped him, "Wukong, you idiot!"

"Master, what's the matter?" Wukong put away his stick and looked at Su Yi blankly.

Su Yi scolded with a smile: "You killed all the beast spirits, how can you improve your strength?"

Wukong hurriedly explained, "Master, I have reached my limit, and I can no longer improve my strength."


Su Yi was slightly disappointed, and then said: "Then kill them all."

"Fine!" Wukong rushed up excitedly, and with one stick down, four more beast spirits were blasted to death on the spot.

"Grass! Leave me a few!"

The strong man in the iron tower was so angry that he rushed up with a sledgehammer.

Now is the time to show off his strength, if Wukong even kills the beast spirit, how can he pretend to be aggressive?
There were less than ten beast spirits left, and the others stopped and watched one after another.

bang bang
Following a few violent noises, the remaining beast spirits were bombarded and killed by Wukong and the iron tower man one after another.

At this time, Su Yi glanced at the short and strong young man, and without warning, he cut off his neck.

Because I wanted to capture the beast spirit, I didn't kill him.

Now it has no value, so naturally it can no longer be kept.

Later, Su Yi slowly landed from the sky, came to Wukong's side, and asked eagerly: "Wukong, what is your cultivation base now?"

Wukong said proudly: "Master, I have already advanced to the sixth level of the Illusory Spirit Realm, one level higher than you. So, you must work hard!"

In the past, he had the lowest cultivation level among all spiritual pets, and Su Yi reprimanded him for this matter more than once.

And now, he finally stood up!
I also thought about using this to pretend.


Su Yi took a look at Wukong and always felt that there was something in the other person's words, so he said, "Wukong, what do you want to express? Do you want to challenge me one-on-one?"

Wukong's neck suddenly shrank, and his momentum weakened a lot. He smiled coyly, "Master, how dare I challenge you one-on-one."

He has seen how terrifying Su Yi is.

Not to mention only one level higher than Su Yi, even three levels higher than Su Yi may not be an opponent.

(End of this chapter)

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