Chapter 1253 Goku VS Girl
Seeing Wukong's bewildered expression, Su Yi laughed dumbly, "You still have some self-knowledge."

Seeing that Su Yi was no longer arguing with him, Wukong heaved a sigh of relief.

At this time, Nannan came over and looked up at Wukong, "Wukong, your strength should have increased a lot, right?"

As a strength cultivator, this is what she is most concerned about.

Wukong's aura soared in vain, looked directly at Nannan, with a serious expression on his face, and said seriously: "Ninny, I want to fight you one-on-one!"

"Is Wukong crazy?" All the soul pets were shocked.

You must know that the strength value of the previous daughter has reached the level of 60000 kilograms.

After devouring so many beast spirits, the strength value will inevitably increase.

Wukong took the initiative to challenge the girl, didn't he hit the stone with the pebble?

"Great! I agreed." Nannan suddenly became excited.

Wukong turned to look at Su Yi and asked, "Master, do you agree?"

After all, their boss is Su Yi. Even if they want to do something, they must get Su Yi's consent.

"Okay." Su Yi readily agreed.

Wukong is not a fool either, since he dared to challenge Nannan, it means that his strength value has definitely increased a lot.

He also wanted to see how much Wukong had improved.

"It was fun to watch."

The strong man in the iron tower and others all came to be interested, looked at each other, and retreated one after another.

"You guys, also follow and retreat." Su Yi gave instructions to all the spiritual pets.

Originally, he planned to put away the spiritual pet.

But then it occurred to me that it would be a good thing for them to see Wukong's growth, so that it would motivate them as well.

When everyone backed away, Wukong became a little impatient, "Ninny, you must use all your strength later, otherwise you will be easily injured."

"Wukong, I'm angry." Nannan pouted, looking unhappy.

Wukong's words clearly meant to look down on her, which made her feel that her self-esteem was hurt.

"It's better to be angry, and you can exert your strongest combat power when you are angry." Wukong said indifferently.

"Okay, then I'll see how powerful you are!" Nannan's complexion darkened, and she rushed towards Wukong suddenly, and when she was approaching, she raised her pink fist and threw it at Wukong.

This punch was so fast that it seemed to tear the air apart.

Suddenly, there was a sharp piercing sound on the field.

"Good come!"

Wukong was fearless, and also punched and bombarded.

The first move is hard steel, and no one is afraid, this is what Lixiu should do.

Two fists, one big and one small, collided rapidly.

The violent power raged, and a roar suddenly resounded.

Everyone stared wide-eyed and looked towards the field. In their sights, Nannan and Wukong were about to touch each other, and retreated back at the same time.

The difference is that Wukong took more than a dozen steps back, while Nannie only took five steps back.

In the competition of strength value, Nannan still has the upper hand.

"These two spiritual pets should have a strength of 70000 kilograms, right?" the middle-aged scholar said with a look of horror.

The bark old man took a deep breath, and said excitedly: "My daughter should have reached the level of 75000 kilograms. That monkey is slightly inferior, but it also has 70000 kilograms."

Compared with others, he thought more deeply.

Both spiritual pets have a strength of 70000 kilograms, so wouldn't it be a breeze to deal with Megatron in the future?
Just kill Megatron, and they'll never be in danger again.

(End of this chapter)

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