Chapter 1258 Be an Assistant

"Boy, you have been used by Bai Xin. But there is no way, as long as you step here, you will die. Don't think about anything else, just wait for death." Megatron looked at Su Yi with a full face. Playful color.

"How old are you?" Su Yi snorted, and immediately cast [Seven Changes of Awakening Insects] and [Smelting Golden Body].

The next moment, he turned into a five-foot-tall giant ape, wearing golden scales and emitting a burning golden light.

"The art of transformation! Su Yi still has this method!" Everyone outside the hall suddenly cheered up.

After the transformation, Su Yi is mighty and domineering, maybe he can really fight against Megatron.

"It's kind of interesting, but it's me, so I'm not ready." Megatron looked at Su Yi with interest, his expression calm.Even Su Yi's transformation didn't bring him any mood swings.

"Then I will show you your strength!"

With a stern expression on his face, Su Yi quickly shot towards Megatron.

When the distance between the two was less than five meters, a black light pierced Megatron's eyes without warning.

Su Yi is not stupid, and he would definitely not choose the hard steel with Megatron.

Use [Devil's Pupil] to drag Megatron into the illusion, and then hit it, there will be no danger.


Megatron was caught off guard, a look of struggle suddenly appeared on his face, and he was completely in a trance.

Su Yi seized the opportunity, and hit Megatron's face hard with a [Tiger Tiangang Fist].

There was a muffled sound.

However, Megatron shook slightly, and soon returned to normal.

And after being hit by this blow, he also broke free from the illusion.


Seeing this scene, Su Yi gasped.

That punch just now reached the level of 56000 kilograms.But when it hit Megatron's face, it felt like an itch.

Megatron's defensive strength is beyond imagination.

It gave him a great shock.

"Megatron is too powerful! He is an existence that can't be killed at all!" The faces of the strong man in the iron tower and others became extremely ugly.

Megatron resisted Su Yi's domineering punch, but did not suffer any damage.

How can I fight this?Who can kill him?
"Boy, I didn't expect you to use the pupil technique." Megatron slowly raised his head to look at Su Yi, and said with a smirk, "However, my defense is invincible at all! Want to kill me? You are still too young. "


Su Yi didn't care.

There is no real defense invincibility in the world, and whether the defense is strong or not is relative.

As long as the attack power is strong enough, it will definitely be able to break through the opponent's defense.

"Boy, you also have to experience my strength!"

Megatron's expression became much colder in vain, and he slowly raised his right hand.

"You have no chance!" Su Yi sneered, and cast [Devil's Pupil] again, he would not let Megatron launch an attack.


Megatron screamed in pain.

At this moment, he seemed to have fallen into hell.Countless ghosts and demons charged at him violently, biting his body non-stop.

"What happened to Megatron?"

Seeing this scene, the bark old man and others were a little at a loss.

Su Yi glanced at him, then turned to Nannan and said, "Ninny, go up and beat him up!"

[Devil's Pupil] At most, Megatron can be controlled. If you want to kill him, you have to do it.

Su Yi's method is very simple, keep using [Devil's Eye], be a support with peace of mind, and then let Nannan and Wukong do it.

He couldn't believe it. If Megatron could block one attack, he could block ten more?a hundred times?

(End of this chapter)

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