Chapter 1259
"Understood, big brother!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Nannan rushed to Megatron, jumped up and punched Megatron, and also hit Megatron in the face.

There was a muffled sound.

Megatron staggered, and took a few steps back before stopping.

Nannan's strength value is far superior to Su Yi's, and the damage caused to Megatron by this punch is obviously greater.

"You are looking for death!" Megatron broke free from the illusion, but was extremely angry.

His strength was clearly capable of crushing Su Yi and others, but he was suppressed by Su Yi's pupil technique, and he was so aggrieved that he was about to vomit blood.

Nannan was very clever, she backed away quickly after a blow, not giving Megatron a chance to fight back.

"Go to hell!"

Megatron was completely enraged, roaring and pounced on Su Yi.

In order to prevent being controlled by Su Yi's pupil technique again, he closed his eyes this time.


Su Yi sneered, and released [Devil's Pupil] again.

[Devil Eyes] has the ability to directly hit the soul, even closing the eyes is futile.

Sure enough, when Megatron rushed halfway, he stopped suddenly, and a pained color appeared on his face again.

Nannan didn't need to order at all, it was a powerful blow to rush forward.

Although Wukong was seriously injured, he gritted his teeth and went up to give him a stick.

Bang, bang.

After being hit twice, Megatron's body shook, and his entire face was slightly deformed.

"It works!" Su Yi's eyes lit up.

The bark old man and others also became excited. According to this trend, Megatron will be played to death by Su Yi sooner or later.

"Ah damn!"

Megatron roared angrily, "Boy, do you only know how to play this kind of conspiracy? You have the ability to fight with me!"

"Stupid!" Su Yi sneered, "When I destroy you, I will kill you myself! Don't worry, let's take our time."

"You forced me to do this!" Megatron seemed to have made up his mind, and his face became extremely ferocious.

Su Yi was aware of it, but he didn't care, and continued to release [Devil's Eye].

When Megatron was struggling, Nuan and Wukong rushed up.

But before they could make a move, Megatron's seven orifices suddenly flowed out streams of silver liquid, and there was a weird smile on the corner of his mouth.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes with a cold killing intent.

"not good!"

Su Yi's expression froze, and he yelled at Nannan and Wukong: "Come back!"

Megatron obviously broke free from the [Devil's Eyes]. With his strength, Nannan and Wukong couldn't stop him at all.

Nannan and Wukong also realized this, and retreated quickly.

"I want to go now, it's too late!"

Megatron sneered, and threw a punch in the air.

A strange scene appeared.

However, a huge fist shadow flew out of the fist, flew into the air and exploded, turning into a hundred identical fists.

For a moment, a shadow of a fist was enveloped in the air, like a dark cloud.

"Secret boxing technique!" Su Yi's heart trembled.

Before he could react, the hundred shadows of fists poured down on Nannan and Wukong like raindrops.

bang bang
Amidst the dense crashing sound, Nannan and Wukong were smashed to the ground at the same time, their breath extremely sluggish.

Wukong was seriously injured, but this time he passed out directly.

Nannan was better, but she also lost her combat effectiveness.

Su Yi felt a twinge of pain in his heart, and he didn't bother to ask, and directly took the two spiritual pets into [Langya Ring].

(End of this chapter)

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