Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1260 Recasting the Glory of the Human Race

Chapter 1260 Recasting the Glory of the Human Race
"Boy, this is what happens when you fight against me! What can you do to me if you lose your two spiritual pets?" Megatron glanced at Su Yi and laughed wildly.

"I will kill you!" Su Yi's voice was unusually cold.

Both Nannan and Wukong were seriously injured by Megatron, and if they don't take revenge, they will not be human!
In addition, he also realized that after Megatron used some method to break free from the [Devil's Eye], the price was still very high.

At this time, his aura was extremely unstable, and he no longer had the previous mighty expression.

"Boy, I advise you not to do anything." Megatron snorted, and then persuaded: "You and I have been used by Bai Xin, instead of continuing to fight and letting Bai Xin take advantage of it, it is better to turn the fight into a treasure. "

Now he is already a strong outsider.

It would be very unfavorable for him to continue fighting, and he might be beheaded by Su Yi.

Therefore, he also thought about reconciling with Su Yi.

"Ha ha."

Su Yi smiled contemptuously, "If you hurt my spiritual pet, I will not spare you lightly! As for Bai Xin, he will die in my hands sooner or later!"

"Are you really planning to fight me to the death?" Megatron's face was extremely ugly.

"You too?"

Su Yi snorted and cast [Devil's Pupil] again.

The current Megatron was powerless to stop, and immediately fell into a struggle.

Su Yi took out the sword of chaos, rushed forward, and slashed Megatron's head with his sword.

It was difficult to destroy Megatron's defense with strength, so he thought about trying it with a weapon.

The Sword of Chaos is made of the Eight Desolation Ting Yan Stone, which has a strong ability to break defenses, and may have unexpected effects.

A click.

Megatron's skull was split open, not fatally, but severely.


Megatron broke free from the illusion, and immediately felt the tearing pain on his head, and immediately screamed.

"Broken defense!"

With a move in Su Yi's heart, [Devil's Pupil] locked onto Megatron, and struck down with his sword again.

This sword is powerful and heavy, almost exerting its strength to the extreme.

When it hit Megatron's head, it directly scored three points.


Megatron let out a shrill scream, his breath fading rapidly.

He seemed to be really scared, turned around and fled.

Su Yi would definitely not let him escape, [Liuyun Fengying] started to move, like a hurricane swept forward, and caught up behind Megatron in the blink of an eye.

This time, he didn't even use [Devil's Pupil], it was a sword to the back of Megatron's head.


Megatron had a chunk of the back of his head chopped off.

Suffering this heavy blow, he groaned in pain, staggered under his feet, and fell heavily to the ground.

Su Yi didn't give Megatron any chance to breathe. One sword after another, he kept chopping on Megatron's head.

For a time, the entire hall was filled with the sound of 'Ka Ka' breaking.

"Su Yi is too fierce!"

The strong man in the iron tower and the others were stunned.

None of them expected that Megatron, who had a strength of 80000 kilograms and was invincible in defense, would be rubbed against the ground by Su Yi.

"It is indeed the hope of the rise of the human race! The strength is really strong!" the old man bark sighed with emotion from the bottom of his heart.

Since entering the maze, every time he encountered a crisis, Su Yi could stand up and perform miracles repeatedly.

At this moment, he became more and more sure that Su Yi, like Su Chen, would become the strongest sooner or later!Recast the glory of the human race!

(End of this chapter)

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