Chapter 1264 Finding a way out
Su Yi pondered for a while, and said lightly: "Just now I seem to have realized something. I created a move at random. I call it [Storm Hammer]."

In order not to expose the system, it can only be fooled.

Of course, with his 27-star talent, he has this qualification and has a certain degree of credibility.

"You created it yourself?" [Smart Chariot] lost his mind for a moment, and said with sincere emotion: "Su Yi, you are really a rare genius in the world."

"Low-key." Su Yi chuckled.

[Smart Chariot] Such a compliment made him a little embarrassed.

[Smart Chariot] continued to ask: "Su Yi, how much strength does your punch contain?"

Killing hundreds of strange beasts with one punch, the strength value must have reached a terrifying level.

He was very curious about this.

"That's 100000 kilograms." Su Yi whispered.

"." [Smart Chariot] was stunned.

A strength of [-] kilograms?Do you want to be so exaggerated?

Also, why did Su Yi's strength value soar to such a level all of a sudden?

Su Yi didn't explain too much, but asked: "No. 2, how can we get out of here?"

After being trapped here, I lost contact with the outside world, and I don't know what happened to the old man Bark and others.

We must get out of here as soon as possible.

As for those strange beasts, perhaps they were intimidated by his punch just now, and they all ran away without a trace.

Su Yi didn't intend to hunt down any more, because all kinds of strange beasts had been killed once.

If you continue to kill, you will not be able to extract the ability.

[Smart Chariot] thought for a while and said: "We should be trapped in a magic weapon similar to a space tower. As long as we find the magic weapon boundary wall and smash it, we can get out."

"Then hurry up." Su Yi asked, "Where can we find the boundary wall?"

[Smart Chariot] said: "I checked, and the place five kilometers in front of the left is where the boundary wall is."

"No. 2, have you resumed the detection function?" Su Yi was very pleasantly surprised.

[Smart Chariot] explained, "This is an independent space, I can use the detection function. But if I leave, I can't use it."

Su Yi nodded, didn't ask any more questions, and sped forward to the left.

Promoted to the chalcedony hegemony, the speed increased ten times.

The distance of five kilometers is fleeting.

Soon, a black wall appeared in front of Su Yi, which contained the power of space.

This wall is undoubtedly the boundary wall.

Su Yi glanced at it, raised his hand and hit him with a [Storm Hammer].

Outside the Town Demon Cauldron, the bark old man and others were knocked to the ground, and everyone looked bruised and swollen.

Among them, the strong man in the iron tower was the most seriously injured.

I don't know how many bones are broken on my body, and my whole face is swollen like a pig's head, and I can't see the original appearance at all.

Bai Xin stood in front of them, with a playful look on her face, "I said it a long time ago, you are just a bunch of ants in my eyes!"

"Bitch! What's the point of relying on a puppet? If you have the ability to fight me one-on-one!" The strong man in the iron tower lay on the ground, pouted his head and roared in disbelief.

"Looking for death!" Bai Xin's face was covered with frost, and he gave an order to the metal puppet beside him, "Kill this cheap-talking guy!"

The eyes of the metal puppet were filled with murderous intent, and the super-strong iron tower rushed over.


The bark old man and the others roared in grief and indignation!
(End of this chapter)

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