Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1265 Another Mechanical Soldier

Chapter 1265 Another Mechanical Soldier


At the critical moment, a violent breaking sound suddenly erupted in the hall.

Everyone was shocked, and they all looked towards the place where the sound was.

In the line of sight, I saw the Zhenyao cauldron shattered suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, a tall and straight figure rushed out of it, it was Su Yi!
"Su Yi shattered the Zhenyao cauldron?"

Witnessing this scene, the old man Bark and the others were stunned.

The Demon Suppressing Cauldron is a top-level magic weapon, if it is attacked from the outside, there may be a slight possibility of shattering it.

But the existence of the boundary wall inside is equivalent to a small world, how could it be shattered?
But the facts are in front of him, Su Yi did smash the Zhenyao cauldron.

"Su Yi, awesome!" The strong man in the iron tower was very excited.

Now that Su Yi is out of trouble, Bai Xin can no longer stir up trouble.

"How could this be?" Bai Xin was dumbfounded.

Her plan is to use Su Yi and others to eradicate Megatron, and then use the Zhenyao Cauldron to suppress Su Yi.

The original plan went quite smoothly, but Su Yi actually smashed the Yaozhen Cauldron, which she never thought of.

Once Su Yi escaped from the predicament, the situation would be completely out of control, and it would be impossible to control the maze disk as he wished.

However, he has been planning this plan for decades, and seeing that it is about to succeed, how can he give up?

Bai Xin gritted her teeth and shouted at the metal puppet, "Kill Su Yi!"

The metal puppet locked on to Su Yi and rushed towards him frantically. When he was approaching, he punched him violently.

There was contempt in Su Yi's eyes, he didn't even bother to look at it, and slapped it out casually.

A touch.

However, the metal puppet was slapped on the ground, and half of its body was deeply embedded in it.

"Damn!" The strong man in the iron tower exclaimed.

With a single blow, the metal puppet was smashed into the ground, and it felt as simple as swat a fly.

Could it be that Su Yi's strength has soared again?

Others were inexplicably excited.

Su Yi is so powerful, Bai Xin can no longer make waves.

When Bai Xin saw this scene, his eyelids twitched violently, and a layer of deep horror filled his eyes.

The metal puppet is her biggest reliance, but it is vulnerable to Su Yi.

Thinking of Su Yi's terrifying power, she felt withdrawn and moved back slowly.

On the other side, Su Yi stepped on the head of the metal puppet, and when he was about to kill it, [Smart Chariot] suddenly reminded: "Su Yi, don't kill him."

"Why?" Su Yi was a little puzzled.

[Smart Chariot] explained: "It is also a soldier of our mechanical clan, and it is of the same type as the big iron, and it can be combined together."

"Oh?" Su Yi's eyes lit up.

Ever since he learned that mechanical soldiers can be combined with each other, he has been looking for the remaining few soldiers. He never expected to meet one here, which can be regarded as an unexpected harvest.

But why did this mechanical soldier obey Bai Xin's order?This point needs to be clarified.

Otherwise, staying around is also a destabilizing factor.

"No. 2, is this mechanical soldier under the control of Bai Xin? How to break the control relationship?" Su Yi asked.

[Smart Chariot] said quickly: "This soldier is indeed under control. The way to release the control is very simple, just kill Bai Xin."

Hearing this, Su Yi's eyes were covered with a layer of fierceness.

Even if there were no mechanical soldiers, he didn't intend to spare Bai Xin's life.

(End of this chapter)

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