Chapter 1267
"It's just average." Su Yi chuckled, turned to look at Wei Tie, and asked with a hint of expectation: "What do you think of this name?"

"Very good." Wei Tie readily accepted.

In fact, he didn't have much interest in the name, but he knew how to assess the situation and knew that resistance was useless.

There is a saying that is good, since you can't resist, why not enjoy it?

"Yeah." Su Yi nodded, "I'll put you in a place first, and let you meet Datie when I get back."

"Okay." Wei Tie readily agreed.

Afterwards, Su Yi collected Weitie into the world fragments.

Then, he came to the bark old man and the others, and asked, "Senior, how are you doing?"

The bark old man forced a smile, "The injury is not serious. Fortunately, you killed Bai Xin, so there will be no danger."

"Su Yi, you are much stronger than before, what is your strength now?" the strong man in the iron tower asked curiously.

Just now, Su Yi lightly suppressed Wei Tie, and he didn't seem to exert much force at all.

It was absolutely impossible to do it before.

Su Yi turned his head and looked at the strong man in the iron tower. When he saw his face swollen like a pig's head, he clicked his tongue fiercely, "Senior, how did you do this?"

"It's not thanks to that metal puppet!" The strong man in the iron tower said angrily.

"In that case, Wei Tie is quite powerful." Su Yi murmured thoughtfully.

The strong man of the iron tower has a strength of 20000 kilograms, and Weitie can make it into such a forceful appearance, it does have two brushes.

The strong man in the iron tower was upset, "Su Yi, shouldn't you comfort me?"


Su Yi was taken aback for a moment, why is the strong man in the iron tower so hypocritical?
Seeing that the other party was indeed beaten badly, he decided to comfort him, "Senior, next time you can't beat the other party, don't be brave. Look at how much you have suffered? I almost didn't recognize you. coming."

"I'm damn!" The brawny iron tower man's lungs were about to explode.

Is this for comfort?
This is clearly the rhythm of wanting to piss people off!
"Haha." The others couldn't help laughing.

The strong man in the iron tower said unconvinced: "Su Yi, that puppet is following you, otherwise I will kill him!"

Su Yi was stunned.

If he hadn't appeared in time, the strong man in the iron tower would have been beaten to death.

How can you have the face to say such a thing?

Su Yi took a look at the pig's face of the strong man in the iron tower, and said with a smile: "Senior, you are already like this, are you sure you can beat Wei Tie?"

"Don't look down on people!" The strong man in the iron tower said stubbornly: "If it wasn't for taking care of the oil bottles like the boss, how could a puppet be my opponent?"

Bark old man and others: "."

The strong man in the iron tower was obviously injured when he was duel with Wei Tie, so what does it have to do with them?
If you can't, you can't, you're just making excuses, the duck's mouth is still hard when it's dead!

"Okay, you're amazing." Su Yi felt a little helpless, and didn't want to be entangled in this matter, so he took out seven Yunling Pills and shared one for each of them.

Yun Ling Dan is a holy medicine for healing, but it is impossible to have an immediate effect.

It stands to reason that it is most suitable to take Rainbow Pill.

However, Su Yi didn't have the formula of Yunbao Pill, so he couldn't make it.And there are only three Yunbao pills left, and they have to keep them as spares, so they can only give them Yunling Pills.

The bark old man and the others gave a cry of gratitude, and took the Yunling Pill one after another.

Soon, they regained some energy and slowly stood up from the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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