Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1268 The Body of Healing

Chapter 1268 The Body of Healing
Su Yi turned to the business and asked, "Senior, where is the treasure house?"

The main purpose of coming here is to find treasures. The two biggest threats, Megatron and Bai Xin, have been killed, and no one can stop them.

The bark old man smiled bitterly and said, "Su Yi, there will be no treasures in here."

"Huh?" Su Yi was dumbfounded.

This time coming here can be regarded as going through a lot of hardships and obstacles. If there is no treasure, wouldn't it be a waste of work?

"Senior, why is the treasure gone?" Su Yi asked puzzled.

The bark old man explained: "The treasures here are all derived into weapon spirits, but we killed them all, and the treasures no longer exist."

"This..." The corner of Su Yi's mouth twitched slightly, and after thinking about it, this is really the case.

Although he didn't get the treasure as he wished, but this time the labyrinth party has gained a lot.

All the spiritual pets have been promoted, and he himself has improved even more.

This is actually more appropriate than getting some treasures.

Thinking of this, Su Yi's mood improved a lot.

As for the bark old man and others, it is a bit difficult to say.

I didn't get any benefits, and everyone was seriously injured, which is like losing my wife and losing my army.

Fortunately, his life was finally saved, which is also something to be thankful for.

"Senior, what shall we do next?" Su Yi asked.

Since there are no treasures, should I leave?
The bark old man sighed, "Go out."

The main hall is the last level, and there is an exit inside.

Su Yi is also clear, because there are hints on the parchment.

Later, Su Yi searched the hall and found the exit easily.

Back in the valley, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

A line in the maze can be said to be close to death.

Fortunately, with Su Yi around, he finally saved his life without any danger.

At this moment, everyone was physically and mentally exhausted, exchanged greetings, and all left to go back to rest.

The strong man in the iron tower originally wanted to ask about Su Yi's strength value, but seeing Su Yi's expression of indifference, he simply didn't ask.

Su Yi returned to the cave and immediately opened the [Langya Ring].

Both Nannan and Wukong were seriously injured, and they don't know what happened.

The moment [Langya Ring] was opened, Su Yi was a little dazed.

I saw that Wukong had woken up, and looked alive and well, standing in front of a group of spiritual pets and talking, telling his heroic deeds.

what's the situation?
Goku recovered so quickly?
Su Yi couldn't believe it, and asked, "Wukong, have you recovered?"

"Master, I have recovered, there is no problem at all." Wukong said proudly.

"Really?" Su Yi clicked his tongue and asked strangely, "How did you recover so quickly?"

Under the circumstances at that time, Wukong was beaten into a faint, and he was definitely seriously injured.

How could he recover on his own without taking the holy medicine for healing?
Wukong scratched his head and said blankly: "Master, I don't know very well either. I just took a nap and then I'll be fine."

"Just sleep? Is it so magical?" Su Yi was surprised.

[Smart Chariot] reminded: "Su Yi, Wukong may have awakened the healing body. The healing body can repair itself. As long as it is not a fatal injury, the healing speed is very fast, faster than taking some healing medicine. Big cut."

"Healing body?" Su Yi's expression changed.

If Wukong really awakened this kind of physique, he would almost be an unbeatable Xiaoqiang.

In future battles with people, consumption can also consume the opponent to death.

(End of this chapter)

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