Chapter 1269 Ready to leave
"Wukong, you are very good!" Su Yi praised.

It was rare to be praised by Su Yi, Wukong looked very excited, and said humbly: "The master has praised me, and I am just average, just a little better than my daughter."

In the past, he definitely didn't dare to say that.

But today is different from the past. Now, his overall strength is not inferior to Nannan, and he can quickly recover from injuries, so he is not afraid of Nannan at all.

"Wukong, are you still dissatisfied?" Nuan raised her pink fist and gestured at Wukong.

"Of course I don't accept it!" Wukong said proudly with his chest upright: "The days of being bullied by you are over. From today onwards, I, Wukong, will stand up and be the master!"

"Okay, let's fight again." Nannan couldn't help it.

"Hit and hit, who is afraid of whom?" Wukong was not convinced.

"Okay, I'll be the referee!" The time dirt beast didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, so he booed.

"Cough cough!"

Su Yi coughed suddenly, and said meaningfully: "You two think I'm air!"

Hearing this, Wukong and Nannan immediately settled down.

Su Yi took a look at Nannan and Wukong, and said coldly: "In the future, who dares to do it without my permission, don't blame me for being rude!"

As the strength continued to soar, all the spiritual pets became a little rebellious, and no one obeyed the other.

If this is left unchecked, it is likely to turn into a bloody incident.

Seeing that Su Yi was angry, Wukong observed his words and immediately promised, "Master, I'm just joking with my daughter. Don't worry, we will definitely not fight."

"Sycophant!" Nannan snorted, and then said to Su Yi: "Brother, I'll listen to you, and I won't bully Wukong in the future."

"Damn!" Wukong was angry in his heart, but he didn't dare to express it.

"Just be obedient." Su Yi nodded slightly, and then said to the time dirt beast: "Little dirt, if you dare to provoke discord in the future, your legs will definitely be broken!"

The Time Dirt Beast shrank its neck, and immediately withered.

"You guys have a good rest, and continue to practice after the rest." Su Yi warned, and closed the [Langya Ring].

Later, he lay on the wooden bed and began to rest.

[Smart Chariot] suddenly asked: "Su Yi, when are we leaving here?"

"Tomorrow." Su Yi said.

He has been away from Blue Star for several days, and he is also very anxious.

But just after returning from the labyrinth disc, the bark old man and others were all injured, so they had to let the other party take a rest.

"I hope everything goes well and I can go back soon, otherwise Xiaohong will miss me to death." [Smart Chariot] sighed, sounding a little melancholy and sad.

Su Yi pinched his nose, and said speechlessly: "You miss Xiaohong day and night, right? Xiaohong may not think so."

"Su Yi, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately." [Smart Chariot] said angrily: "The relationship between me and Xiaohong is sincere, and you can guess randomly?"

Su Yi laughed dumbfounded, "Whatever you say is what you say."


[Smart Chariot] snorted softly, looking as though he was still alive.

Su Yi ignored him and rested in peace.

In the early morning of the next day, Su Yi found the old man Bark and others, and explained his intention to leave.

The strong man in the iron tower was a little bit reluctant, "Su Yi, otherwise it won't be too late to leave after playing for a few more days."

Su Yi said with a smile: "Senior, the current Blue Star is in danger. If you don't go back soon, you can't rest assured."

(End of this chapter)

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