Chapter 1273 Come to Life

"Su Yi, this may be an opportunity for you." [Smart Chariot] said: "They are fighting for a spirit crystal mine, so they will have a big battle."

"Spirit Crystal Mine!" Su Yi's eyes lit up immediately.

At present, what he lacks the most is spirit crystals. If he can snatch the entire spirit crystal mine, it is possible to ripen the tree of life in one fell swoop.

In addition, he also understood why he couldn't see a strange beast nearby.It is likely that they gathered together to welcome the battle with the Green Turtles.

However, this is also a good thing for him, and he can take the opportunity to extract a lot of abilities.

Su Yi forced himself to ask excitedly: "No. 2, how many Spirit Crystals can that Spirit Crystal Mine produce?"

The spirit crystal mines are also divided into grades. A good mine not only contains more spirit crystals, but also has high quality.

Some can even produce the best spirit crystals.

[Smart Chariot] said: "It seems to be a medium-sized spirit crystal mine."

"Not bad." The corners of Su Yi's mouth rose slightly.

A medium-sized spirit crystal mine contains at least hundreds of thousands of spirit crystals, which is very exciting.

"No. 2, follow the other party, don't startle the snake!" Su Yi ordered.

[Smart chariot] understood what Su Yi meant, and quietly followed the Green Turtle aircraft, keeping a distance of [-] kilometers from it.

There are a total of [-] aircraft of the Green Turtle Clan. They are arranged in a row and fly towards the depths of the mountains.

After flying for about two hours, we stopped in front of a mountain peak.

And at the foot of this mountain peak, there are tens of thousands of strange beasts.

At this moment, they are roaring towards the aircraft in mid-air, seemingly very angry.

"Su Yi, the Green Turtles and the alien beasts have met. Shall we wait here for a while, or go directly?" [Smart Chariot] asked.

Su Yi thought for a while and said, "No. 2, are there many kinds of those strange beasts?"

If there were enough types of alien beasts, he would choose to go now and focus on extracting abilities first.

On the contrary, if there are too few types of alien beasts, there is no need for this.Let the green turtles and the strange beasts fight first, and wait until about the same time to reap the benefits of the fisherman in the past.

[Smart Chariot] immediately said: "Those strange beasts are a pack of wolves, called Chimu wolves, and they are all of the same species."

"Only one?" Su Yi was very disappointed, and sighed: "Let's just wait here and let them fight it out."


[Smart Chariot] stopped in mid-air, waiting patiently.

On the other side, after the Green Turtles got out of the aircraft, they confronted the Red Wood Wolf for a while, and then they fought together.

Although the red wood wolves have an advantage in numbers, their individual strength is far inferior to that of the green turtles, and the two sides fell to the bottom as soon as they fought.

However, the red wood wolf is extremely ferocious and would rather die than retreat.

Therefore, the scene looked very anxious and bloody.

The fight lasted for about half an hour, and the red wood wolf finally started to flee because of too many staff reductions.

And the Green Turtles obviously didn't want to let them go, they kept following and killing them.

"Su Yi, come alive." [Smart Chariot] suddenly reminded.

"What's wrong?" Su Yi frowned.

[Smart Chariot] said with a smile: "There is a red wood wolf with the first level of supernatural power fleeing towards us, and the supernatural power of the green turtle tribe is chasing after us."

"No. 2, hurry up and hide below." Su Yi urged.

He didn't want to let go of the green turtles or the red wood wolves.

If the other party finds them, they may not come this way.

(End of this chapter)

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