Chapter 1274
[Smart Chariot] Without a word, it quickly landed on the ground.

Su Yi got out of the car and said, "Number 2, you shrink first."

The senses in the realm of the gods are very keen, and if the [smart chariot] is too large, it will be easy to be discovered.

[Smart chariot] shrank to the size of a palm and flew into Su Yi's pocket.

Su Yi cast [Mirror Clone], and the moment the clone came out, the main body entered an invisible state.

Then, the clone hid behind a big tree.

The main body flew into the mid-air, waiting for the opponent's arrival.

Soon, a black dot flew over from afar.

As the distance gets closer, the black spot becomes bigger and bigger.When the distance was less than a hundred meters, its body gradually became clear, and it was a gray giant wolf with a body length of more than ten meters.

This giant wolf is the red wood wolf at the first level of the supernatural power.

At this time, it looked very embarrassed, with dozens of wounds covering its body, and blood was flowing.

Flying all the way over, a piece of blood red was sprinkled in the midair.

And behind the red wood wolf, there is a green turtle about two meters tall chasing him, and the distance between the two is getting closer and closer.

Su Yi floated quietly in mid-air. Because of his invisibility, the other party couldn't find him at all.

When the red wood wolf in front flew to a distance of one meter, Su Yi suddenly got into trouble and punched the red wood wolf on the head.

A loud bang.

The red wood wolf's head burst suddenly and died on the spot.

Although it is a strange beast with the first level of the supernatural power, its strength has dropped significantly due to serious injuries.

In addition, it was completely unexpected that there was a person hiding in midair, so there was no time to react.

Another point is that Su Yi's strength has reached a terrifying 100000 kilograms.

It was for these reasons that Su Yi was punched and killed in a daze.

When Su Yi casually threw Chimulang's body into [Qiankun Ring], the system sounded.

"Touch the red wood wolf, extract 1000 qi and blood, 1000 tempered body attributes, combine the chalcedony super body, derive the power of the god of war, the host god of war treasure body (2|1000), did not meet the upgrade standard."

"The body of the God of War?" Su Yi was stunned for a moment.

Some suspect that the next stage of the Chalcedony Hegemony Body is to be promoted to the God of War Body?

However, the promotion conditions are too harsh.

After extracting 1000 qi and blood value and 1000 tempered body attribute, it reached two thousandths.

I don't know that the year of the monkey can only be promoted.

But Su Yi quickly realized that the more difficult it is, the more awesome it should be.

The God of War treasure body is definitely worth looking forward to!

Just when Su Yi was in a trance, the Green Turtle was stunned in mid-air.

Suddenly a human race appeared and killed the red wood wolf with one punch, which made him feel inexplicably terrified.

"How could there be a human race?" The Green Turtle Clan muttered, and looked at Su Yi again. When they realized that Su Yi was just a warrior in the Illusory Spiritual Realm, the tension on his face disappeared without a trace.

Even if he didn't know why Su Yi suddenly appeared here, he was just a warrior in the Illusory Spiritual Realm and would not pose any threat to him at all.

"Human, why did you come here? Are you here to die?" The Green Turtles suddenly became arrogant.

"No. 2, what is this guy pushing?" Su Yi asked.

Because the other party spoke the language of the Green Turtle Clan, he couldn't understand it at all.

[Smart Chariot] said: "This guy looks down on you a bit and plans to kill you!"

(End of this chapter)

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