Chapter 1282 Ambush

On the other side, Su Yi had already quietly ran a few kilometers away.

When the distance between the main body and the avatar exceeds 1000 meters, the avatar will lose control and disappear automatically, while the main body will appear.

However, the Ye Mo clansman thought that Su Yi had hid in the tunnel and was bombarding the ground with all his strength, so he had no idea that Su Yi had slipped away from under his nose.

In order to avoid arousing the thoughts of the Night Demon clansmen, Su Yi did not take the [Smart Chariot] nor did he use the [Flying Wings], but chose to gallop on the ground.

However, after his physique was upgraded to the Chalcedony Hegemony, his speed increased tenfold, even if he was running fast, it was still as fast as lightning.

In just a few minutes, a not-so-big mountain suddenly appeared in front of him.

At the foot of the mountain, hundreds of Green Turtles are patrolling.

This place is where the boundary channel is located.

To be cautious, Su Yi let the [Smart Chariot] explore first.

"Su Yi, there's no problem. The opponent's highest cultivation level is only at the tenth level of the Illusory Spiritual Realm." [Smart Chariot] immediately reported back.

Su Yi let go of his heart, picked up his speed and rushed forward.

As long as he doesn't have the Ability Realm, the Illusory Spirit Realm is not enough to pose a threat to him and can be completely ignored.

When he rushed to the front, the green turtles who were in charge of guarding frantically rushed towards him.

Su Yi raised his hand and hit [Storm Hammer], killing dozens of Green Turtles, and then summoned Xiaojian.

The two teamed up, as if entering no one's land, they killed at the foot of the mountain in an instant.

[Smart Chariot] reminded: "Su Yi, the boundary channel is inside the cave."


Su Yi punched a Green Turtle Clan member to death, put Xiaojian in [Langya Ring], and rushed towards the stone cave.

When he saw that he was about to rush into the cave, a strong sense of crisis came to his heart.

At this moment, he clearly sensed a terrifying aura emanating from the cave, and he was definitely a fourth-level warrior of the supernatural realm.

"There is an ambush!"

Su Yi's heart froze, and he flew back without thinking.

When retreating a thousand meters away, a night demon clansman suddenly rushed out of the cave.

Su Yi was stunned when he saw the face of this night demon.

This night demon clansman is clearly the same as the previous one, even the aura is the same.

But he couldn't figure it out, didn't the other party go after him?How come back in a blink of an eye?
Su Yi didn't have time to think too much, because the opponent had already chased him.

Facing a fourth-level martial artist in the supernatural realm, there is no chance of winning at all, so he can only choose to run away.

[Smart chariot] also knew this very well. Flying from Su Yi's pocket into mid-air, it instantly transformed into a flying form.

Su Yi jumped up, without any reminder, [Smart Chariot] started to escape at full speed.

After seeing the speed of the [Smart Chariot], the Night Demon tribe resolutely gave up the pursuit and returned to the cave.

[Smart Chariot] After flying dozens of kilometers in one breath, it slowly slowed down.

Su Yi took a deep breath, then turned to the [Smart Chariot] and asked, "Number 2, why did that guy suddenly appear?"

It was too dangerous just now, if he hadn't reacted quickly, he would have been poisoned by now.

[Smart Chariot] said with lingering fear: "I suspect that there is a teleportation array in the cave. After the guy found out that he was fooled, he teleported back in an instant."

(End of this chapter)

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