Chapter 1283 The way to leave

"Teleportation array?" Su Yi pondered for a moment, feeling that this possibility is very high.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain why the other party could go back so quickly.

But in this way, the other party is prepared, and it is impossible to enter the boundary channel again.

"Su Yi, where are we going now?" [Smart Chariot] asked.

Su Yi thought for a while, then sighed, "Let's go back to the previous mountain range first."

The way back to Blue Star through the boundary channel is blocked, so I can only think of other ways.

But now, his mood is very chaotic, and he has no clue at all.

[Smart Chariot] Without further ado, it turned around and flew towards the mountain range.

After entering the depths of the mountains, Su Yi put away the [Smart Chariot] and hid in a big tree.

"Su Yi, why don't we go back to the secret realm and ask the old man bark and others for help." [Smart Chariot] suggested.

The bark old man is a tenth-level martial artist in the supernatural realm, as long as he is invited over, there is no problem in killing that night demon clansman.

Su Yi shook his head and sighed: "The passage to enter the realm here is also restricted, and at most only the third level of the realm of the gods is allowed to enter."

With this kind of restriction, the only ones who can enter here are the strong men of the iron tower.

With the strength of the strong man in the iron tower, he can entangle the night demon clansman and create a chance for him to leave.

But walking away by himself is tantamount to putting the strong man in the iron tower in danger.

He already regarded the strong man of the iron tower as a friend, and he would definitely not do such a thing.

【Smart Chariot】Understanding the truth, he sighed and said, "Could it be that we've been stuck here all this time?"

"There must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, and there will always be a way." Su Yi comforted, and his mind turned quickly.

"I hope there is a solution." [Smart Chariot] was very depressed.

With the lessons learned from the past, the night demon clansmen will be prepared, and it is almost impossible to leave through the boundary passage.

Therefore, he didn't think Su Yi could think of anything.

Su Yi pondered for a while, then opened the [Langya Ring] and communicated with Xiaojian, "Xiaojian, how long will it take you to advance to the third level of the Divine Ability Realm?"

At present, there are two solutions he can think of.

One is that the little bitch is promoted to a higher level.As long as he is promoted to the third level of the supernatural realm, there is a great deal of confidence in defeating or killing that night demon clansman with Xiaojian's strength.

Second, continue to look for the mechanical heart to help [Smart Chariot] advance to the ultimate form.

Xiaojian said: "Although I can quickly promote by absorbing the energy of the sword's origin stone, it can't be done overnight. It takes time, and it will take a month at the earliest."

"One month?" Su Yi frowned.

A month is too long, maybe the Night Demons will call for help again.

At that time, even if Xiaojian is promoted, he may not be his opponent.

This path is obviously not feasible.

"Understood." Su Yi nodded absent-mindedly, and after closing [Langya Ring], he said to [Smart Chariot]: "No. 2, do you think there will be a mechanical heart in the Green Turtle Continent?"

"It's unlikely." [Smart Chariot] said: "The Green Turtles are a very weak race, and they are considered to be a subsidiary force of the Night Demons. If there is such a good thing as a mechanical heart, it must have been searched away long ago. "

"What if there is something missing?" Su Yi reminded.

[Smart Chariot] Startled, said: "Su Yi, you don't want to go to the city of the green turtles to find the mechanical heart, do you?"

Su Yi had just wreaked havoc in a big city and boundary passage of the Green Turtle Clan. If this was revealed, it would probably attract the besieged and killed of many powerful people.

The green turtles are not afraid, but the night demons are the key!

(End of this chapter)

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