Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1295 Implementation Plan

Chapter 1295 Implementation Plan
[Smart Chariot] said happily: "Su Yi, the things are in hand, should we go to the boundary channel?"

"According to the plan." Su Yi whispered.

[Smart Chariot] Turned around and flew towards the location of the boundary channel at full speed.

Su Yi said to Xiaoyan: "Xiaoyan, I will put you in a safe place first."

Xiaoyan is a first-level warrior in the Soul Gathering Realm, and cannot pass through the boundary channel.

In addition, there will inevitably be a fight later, and it is not safe to leave Xiaoyan outside.

Therefore, he planned to send Xiaoyan to the world fragments.

"Oh." Xiaoyan nodded blankly, not knowing where Su Yi was going to send him.

Su Yi opened the world fragments, took Xiaoyan into it, and explained to Weitie, "Weitie, Xiaoyan is my friend, please take care of it. Also, I have time to teach other people's language."

If Xiaoyan doesn't know the human language, it will be very difficult to communicate in the future, and it will be difficult to integrate into the rear base.

After Su Yi closed the world fragments, Wei Tie took a look at Xiao Yan and said with a smile: "Hi Xiao Yan, I will teach you how to organize language later, you can call me Teacher Wei!"

Xiaoyan was dumbfounded.

What is this metal puppet talking about?
[Smart Chariot] After flying for 10 minutes, it is less than ten kilometers away from the border passage.

At this time, he reminded: "Su Yi, we will soon reach the boundary channel."

Su Yi nodded slightly, "How's the situation over there?"

What he was most worried about was that the other party sent a strong man to guard again.If there is one more martial artist who is above the fourth level of the supernatural power, then his plan will come to nothing.

"Everything is normal, only a night demon clansman who is in the fourth level of the supernatural power is guarding." [Smart Chariot] replied quickly.

"That's good." Su Yi let out a long sigh of relief, and then said, "No. 2, stop."

If you want to kill that night demon clansman, you need to send Yu Yuanwu, the body bomb, in front of him.

He definitely couldn't do this process by himself, otherwise he would be killed by the bomb.

So it can only be done by avatar.

After the [Smart Chariot] stopped, Su Yi put it in his pocket, and then cast [Mirror Clone].

After the avatar appeared, it carried the unconscious Yu Yuanwu Chao towards the boundary channel and flew over.

Su Yi, who was in an invisible state, followed closely behind, keeping a distance of 500 meters from the clone.

When Su Yi's avatar carried Yu Yuanwu and flew [-] meters to the boundary passage, all the guards of the Green Turtle clan who were in charge of guarding became vigilant.

Before, Su Yi had massacred the Quartet here, so he came here this time, is he going to massacre them again?

"Boy, do you dare to come back?"

Muran, a cold howl floated over from the cave.

Immediately afterwards, a tall night demon clansman flew into the air, exuding a terrifying aura.

He is the fourth-level martial artist who guards the passage of the realm.

"I'm here to give you a gift."

Su Yi's avatar chuckled, and took advantage of the opportunity to bring Yu Yuanwu in front of him.

The Yemo clansman glanced intently, and when he saw Yu Yuanwu's appearance clearly, his face changed color in vain, and he exclaimed, "Young master!"

Su Yi, who was hiding not far away, felt his heart move. The night demon clansmen in front of him were obviously also Yu Yuanwu's subordinates. In this way, the plan would be easier to implement.

"Human, let go of the young master, I can let you enter the boundary channel." The night demon clansman regained his calm and said suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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