Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1296 Entering the Realm Passage

Chapter 1296 Entering the Realm Passage
Of course Su Yi would not believe the other party's nonsense.

However, this is also an opportunity, just to take advantage of the opportunity to play tricks on the other party.

I saw Su Yi's avatar raised his voice and said: "This is what you said, you must keep your promise."

The Night Demon tribe hurriedly promised, "Don't worry, as long as you don't hurt the young master, everything can be promised to you."

Su Yi's avatar didn't hesitate, and threw Yu Yuanwu over.

The Yemo people were overjoyed and held Yu Yuanwu in their arms.

At this time, Su Yi's avatar walked towards the entrance of the stone cave leisurely.

"Hey, kid, you're so naive." The Night Demon clansman grinned, released a big hand with spiritual essence, grabbed Su Yi's avatar directly, and brought it to him.

The previous guarantee to Su Yi was just a stopgap measure, how could he let Su Yi go so easily?

Su Yi's avatar seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and it was calm from beginning to end, without any resistance.

"Boy, aren't you afraid?" The Night Demon tribe looked at Su Yi's avatar and asked strangely.

Su Yi's avatar smiled, "You are going to die soon, what do I have to be afraid of?"


The Night Demon clansman frowned slightly, and before he could react, he suddenly found that Su Yi's avatar had turned into a little bit of starlight and disappeared without a trace.

"Incarnation outside the body!" The night demon clansman gave a startled voice, and quickly glanced around, trying to find the location of Su Yi's body.

But after just one glance, he felt a violent aura coming from his body, as if a volcano was about to erupt.

what's the situation?
The night demon clansman trembled, subconsciously bowed his head and swept away.

In the line of sight, Yu Yuanwu was like a burning furnace, his whole body swelled up.

"Blow up!"

The eyelids of the Yemo people jumped violently, just as they were about to throw Yu Yuanwu out.

A loud bang.

Yu Yuanwu exploded completely, just like a small nuclear bomb exploded, and the violent power raged.

The night demon clansman was the first among them, with flesh and blood flying all over his chest, and his right hand was also blown off, leaving his body.

As for the green turtles around them, they were even more vulnerable and were directly torn into pieces.


The night demon clansman let out a roar, and flew backwards quickly.

But after flying only a few meters away, two extremely fierce sword intents erupted from behind in vain, and each sword intent contained terrifying destructive power.

It was Su Yi and Xiaojian who made the sneak attack.

The current night demon clansmen are seriously injured, and it is the weakest time.

They will not miss this opportunity to beat the dog in the water.


The night demons only had time to let out an unwilling roar before they were split into countless pieces by the two sword qi and died on the spot.

"Finally killed this guy." Su Yi let out a long sigh of relief.

Once the night demon clansman is dead, no one can stop him from returning to the blue star.

But at this moment, [Smart Chariot] anxiously reminded, "Su Yi, there are several powerful men in the psychic realm flying towards here, hurry up and enter the boundary channel."

Su Yi's heart froze, he put away Xiaojian, and rushed into the cave with one stride.

There is a [-]-meter-long passage in the cave, and the end of the passage is the entrance of the realm passage.

Su Yi used his speed to the extreme, lowered his cultivation level to the tempered body level, and rushed into the entrance in the blink of an eye.

Just as his figure disappeared, a dozen Night Demons suddenly flew over from the sky, each with a strong aura.

The most powerful one has reached the level of the tenth level of the supernatural realm.

However, they were still a step late and could not stop Su Yi from leaving.

(End of this chapter)

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