Chapter 1315 The Sleeper

"Old Ancestor, I'll talk about my affairs later. Tell me why you are here first?" Su Yi said.

Originally, he guessed that Jiang Hongyi and Jiang Hongyi fled here because of Gu Haotian's accident.

But now it seems obvious that this is not the case, then something else must have happened.

Jiang Hongyi didn't hesitate, and said directly: "We planned to go to the forbidden place of death, but we didn't expect to be ambushed halfway, and fled here in a panic."

"What are you doing in the forbidden area of ​​death?" Su Yi frowned.

When he was in Yaoguang City last time, Jiang Hongyi was determined and decided to stay and stick to Yaoguang City. Did he change his mind?
"The thing is like this." Jiang Hongyi took a breath and explained: "After you were teleported away, your people detained Bai Pengfei from Qianjilou. After Jinyan Palace learned the news, they fanned the flames everywhere. Gathered a lot of people from other sects, planning to go to the death forbidden area to rescue Bai Pengfei. I was afraid that they would not be able to handle it, so I was going to help out."

"I see."

After Su Yi understood, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

The Golden Flame Palace is clearly under the banner of saving Bai Pengfei, but there must be evil intentions behind it!
Most of them want to take advantage of his absence to completely wipe out the rear base.

However, this is an opportunity for him.

If the opponent still aggressively invaded the rear base without knowing that he had returned to Blue Star.

Then he can take the opportunity to give the other party a nest.

Jiang Hongyi reminded: "Su Yi, it is rumored that the Golden Flame Palace has gathered thousands of people, and the attack is menacing. We'd better go back to the forbidden place of death and prepare in advance."

"Don't worry, Patriarch, the Golden Flame Palace won't be able to turn over the waves." Su Yi didn't care.

The current rear base is strong and strong, especially after the battle with the Sea Clan, the combat effectiveness and experience have improved a bit.

Unless it has a crushing numerical advantage, the Golden Flame Palace is simply vulnerable to the fierce men in the rear base.

Furthermore, he will return soon, and with Wukong and Nannan as his right-hand men, who will be their opponents in the forbidden area of ​​death?
Jiang Hongyi said in a deep voice: "Su Yi, you can't be careless this time. I got a gossip that the Golden Flame Palace found five sleeping people from somewhere. These five people have already awakened, and their strength is very strong enough to threaten you."

"Sleeper?" Su Yi muttered, what the hell is a sleeper?
Jiang Hongyi explained: "Sleepers are also called ancient warriors. They improve their strength through deep sleep. Generally speaking, only defense and strength values ​​are improved, and the longer they sleep, the stronger their strength will be. stronger."

"Is there such a strange way of cultivation?" Su Yi looked surprised and asked, "Old Ancestor, what are the strengths of these five sleepers?"

Jiang Hongyi said: "The five of them are all strength repairers, and their strength values ​​have all broken through the level of 30000 kilograms. The most powerful one seems to have been asleep for thousands of years. His strength value has already approached the level of 70000 kilograms."

"My God! 70000 kilograms!"

Jiang Li and Guan Yu were terrified.

Su Yi scoffed a little.

The strength repair of 70000 kilograms is indeed very powerful. In the past, it would be difficult for him to parry.

But today is different from the past, Maze and his party, their physique has been promoted to Chalcedony Hegemony, and their strength has soared to 100000 kilograms.

Pinching a few sleepers is as easy as pinching a few ants to death.

(End of this chapter)

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