Chapter 1316 Depends
Seeing Su Yi's disdainful expression, Jiang Hongyi probed, "Su Yi, what is your strength?"

Su Yi blasted Mu Kaixia's figurative object away with his punch before, and his strength value is definitely very strong.

If it can break through 70000 kilograms, there will be no problem dealing with sleepers.

Jiang Li and Guan Yu were also curious about this, and Qi Qi looked at Su Yi.

Su Yi smiled slightly, "One hundred thousand kilograms."

"One hundred thousand?"

When hearing this number, the three of Jiang Hongyi were stunned.

Su Yi is so powerful?It's too bad!
"Su Yi, did you encounter any adventure?" Jin Hongyi regained his composure and asked.

"That's right." Su Yi smiled, and briefly talked about what happened when he was teleported away.

Of course, there is no way to talk about the ability to extract the system.

Instead, he was fooled by his unique physique.

"It turns out that so many things happened." After listening to Su Yi's narration, Jiang Hongyi's face was filled with lingering fear.

Guan Yu and Jiang Li were even more thrilled.

Fighting against weapon spirits and aliens, every battle is extremely dangerous, if it was someone else, I'm afraid it would have been explained long ago.

Thanks to Su Yi's many means and a sword spirit to assist him, he was able to return to Blue Star without any danger.

"Su Yi, do you have any plans?" Jin Hongyi asked.

After learning of Su Yi's strength, he was completely relieved.

Moreover, he felt that he could make some good preparations and take the opportunity to attack the arrogance of the Golden Flame Palace.

"This time, I will completely eradicate the Golden Flame Palace!" Su Yi said in a deep voice with a cold expression on his face.


Jiang Hongyi and the others gasped.

The Golden Flame Palace is a powerful force comparable to the Sun Moon and Star Palace, so Su Yi will destroy it if he says it will?
They also saw Su Yi's fierce side.

However, they can all understand Su Yi.

The Golden Flame Palace wanted to murder Su Yi more than once, and this time, taking advantage of Su Yi's absence, he wanted to destroy the rear base that Su Yi had worked so hard to build, with a vicious heart!
Even if it is destroyed, it is its own fault and does not deserve any sympathy.

"Su Yi, where are the people from other forces?" Jiang Hongyi asked tentatively.

The death of the people of Golden Flame Palace is not a pity, but there are many people from other forces who are not aware of the situation. They were bewitched by Golden Flame Palace and came here, and they are not guilty of death.

Originally, he still hoped that Su Yi would show mercy.

Of course, this also depends on Su Yi's attitude.

"It depends on the situation at that time." Su Yi snorted coldly, and then asked: "Old Ancestor, when will the people from Jinyan Palace go to the forbidden area of ​​death?"

Jiang Hongyi thought for a while, and said, "If there are no accidents, it should be tomorrow."

A sneer appeared on the corner of Su Yi's mouth, "I hope everyone from Jinyan Palace can come."

Later, he calmed down and started chatting with Jiang Hongyi about other things.

Time flies, three hours have passed, and the [Smart Chariot] finally returned to the rear base of the forbidden area of ​​death.

Upon hearing the news of Su Yi's return, everyone in the rear base was excited like it was Chinese New Year.

Su Yi is the backbone of the rear base. In the past few days when he was away, everyone's heart was filled with gloom, and they were worried to death.

All of a sudden, a large group of people gathered around Su Yi, and everyone rushed to greet Su Yi.

"Okay, forget it everyone, I still have things to deal with." Su Yi said with a smile.

When the crowd dispersed, he brought Guan Yu to Guan Hua.

When the two brothers met, they were so excited that they regarded Su Yi as air.

Su Yi didn't bother, turned and left.

(End of this chapter)

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