Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1317 Discussing Countermeasures

Chapter 1317 Discussing Countermeasures
Later, Su Yi called together a group of high-level officials and held a high-level meeting.

Jiang Hongyi, who just came here, was also invited by Su Yi.

"Lord Luo, during the few days I left, nothing happened to the rear base, right?" Su Yi asked.

"Everything is normal." Luo Junnan said, "It's just that we detained Bai Pengfei, what should we do with this person?"

Bai Pengfei's status is quite special, how to deal with it is up to Su Yi to make up his mind.

Su Yi thought for a while and said, "Let's let it go tomorrow."

What was sent away was just Gongsun Xiu's personal behavior.

Although Bai Pengfei and Gongsun Xiu came together, most of them were just to record videos and catch some heat.

Since it didn't matter much, there was no need to embarrass Bai Pengfei.

Of course, even if you want to release it, you have to wait until the Golden Flame Palace brings people here.

Otherwise, if Bai Pengfei was released and the news leaked, the Golden Flame Palace might not dare to come, and his plan would come to nothing.

"Okay." Luo Junnan nodded.

Su Yi is the lord of the rear base, since he said so, just follow Su Yi's instructions.

At this time, Li Zhenfeng suddenly said: "Su Yi, there is something very important that I need to tell you."

"Principal, what's the matter?" Su Yi asked.

Li Zhenfeng said: "The news from the Sun Moon and Star Palace that the Golden Flame Palace will lead people to trouble us tomorrow, let us prepare in advance."

"I was going to tell you about it." Su Yi smiled.

The main purpose of convening this meeting was to discuss this matter, and everyone who had never expected to be present knew it.

"Su Yi, what should we do?" Luo Junnan asked.

Su Yi's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he said in a deep voice: "I will give those who are bewitched by the Golden Flame Palace a chance to survive, but those who have a lot to do with the Golden Flame Palace, such as Wugong Mountain, the Temple of the Shenzong, etc. Liu, don’t let anyone go, kill them all!”

At this moment, everyone was clearly aware of Su Yi's killing intent, and they all trembled and worried.

Because, they also got an important piece of information from the Sun Moon and Star Palace, that the Golden Flame Palace had awakened five sleepers, and the sleepers were extremely powerful power repairers.

With these five more powerful enemies, they may not be able to handle it.

Luo Junnan quickly reminded, "Su Yi, you don't know, the other party has found five very powerful Lixiu."

"City Lord Luo is referring to the five sleepers?" Su Yi chuckled.

He had already learned about this from Jiang Hongyi.

"You know?" Luo Junnan was stunned.

Su Yi nodded, with a disdainful smile on his face, "I will personally kill the five sleeping people, you can rest assured."

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

It is rumored that the five sleepers all have a strength value of more than [-] kilograms, and the strongest one is close to the level of [-]. Su Yi can also deal with it?

When Li Zhenfeng wanted to remind again, Su Yi had already started to issue combat missions.

"Little Tiger, Mie Mie, tomorrow you two will lead Yao Zhi and Yi Beast to cut off each other's retreat, and you must not let one of you escape."

Bai Shengju Xiaohu said in embarrassment: "Master, if the other party escapes in a flying machine, we will not be able to stop him."

"You reminded me well." Su Yi nodded, and then said: "Tomorrow I will prevent them from escaping in an aircraft."

"Then there is no problem, we will definitely not let anyone go." Bai Shengju Xiaohu assured.

(End of this chapter)

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