Chapter 1322 Help
"Su Yi, what level are you now?" Sang Yan was a little confused.

From Shao Tianlei's mouth, I learned that Su Yi seems to be only at the first level of the Illusory Spirit Realm.

There is an unreachable distance from the third level of the divine realm, no matter how talented Su Yi is, it is impossible to advance to the third level of the divine realm in a short period of time.

"I only have the fifth level of the Illusory Spirit Realm now." Su Yi said truthfully.


Sang Yan gasped, and his face was even more moved.

In less than a month, Su Yi was promoted to four ranks?The speed of promotion is too terrifying.

No wonder he dared to say that he would be promoted to the third level of the Divine Ability Realm in a short period of time, and he did have the capital.

However, Sang Yan still didn't believe that Su Yi could do it.

After all, there is a difference of eight levels between the fifth level of the Illusory Spirit Realm and the third level of the Tongshen Realm.And when it comes to the realm of the gods, the difficulty of promotion is several times greater than that of the illusionary realm. How can it be possible to advance in a short time?
"Su Yi, you are indeed very talented, but I'm afraid it won't work if you want to advance to the supernatural realm in a short period of time, right?" Sang Yan said after regaining his composure.

"Senior, I don't know that I have a physique that is stronger than the stealth fighting talent. As long as I fight against different kinds of strange beasts or monsters, I can quickly improve my strength, and it will be immediate." Su Yi said confidently. .

Improving strength is the only way to solve the current crisis. On the premise of not exposing the system, you can only talk nonsense about other aspects.

"Is there still such a physique?" Sang Yan was shocked.

Stealth combat talent is already considered a very powerful physique, is there a more powerful physique than stealth combat talent?

It seems that such a physique has never appeared since ancient times!
However, considering Su Yi's growth experience, he felt that this possibility was very high.

But one thing still confuses him, why can he only fight with strange beasts or monsters?Can't you fight with aliens?
Could it be that Su Yi's physique has such a special limitation?
Sang Yan thought about it for a while, and didn't worry about it anymore, as long as he was sure that Su Yi had the ability to upgrade quickly.

Then, he said: "Su Yi, even if you have this kind of physique, there are not many strange beasts on the Blue Star, and even fewer types. It shouldn't be enough for you to improve, right?"

"I found a boundary channel for monsters in the hanging sea area, which can solve this problem just right." Su Yi said with a smile.

The reason why I told this matter was that I also planned to ask Sang Yan to help.

Because guarding the boundary channel is a monster of the fifth level of the divine realm, and there may be even more powerful ones.

He can't resist on his own, so he must find a strong person to escort him.

Sang Yan was at the sixth level of the Divine Ability Realm, so he was the most suitable candidate.

"If there are monsters, this problem can indeed be solved." Sang Yan said thoughtfully.

The Yaozu is also a very powerful race among the thousands of races, and there are thousands of types of Yaozu, which fully meets Su Yi's requirements.

Su Yi pondered for a while, and then started to talk about business, "Senior, my ability is not enough to fight against monsters, so I would like to ask for your help."

"No problem." Sang Yan readily agreed.

If Su Yi can grow up quickly, it will be of great benefit to the human race, and he also hopes to see this.

"Then thank you, senior!" Su Yi was overjoyed.

"Helping you is equivalent to helping the human race, so you don't have to be polite to me." Sang Yan smiled, and then said tentatively: "But even if you can successfully advance to the third level of the divine realm, you won't be an opponent of the sixth level of the divine realm, right?" ?”

(End of this chapter)

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