Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1323 Departure the day after tomorrow

Chapter 1323 Departure the day after tomorrow
In the realm of supernatural power, even if there is a difference of one level, the strength is also very different.

What's more, with a difference of three levels, how could it be possible to kill the opponent?

Su Yi smiled faintly, "Senior, you still don't know me very well. Leapfrogging and killing enemies is commonplace for me. But it's still a bit difficult to cross three levels. Maybe you don't have much confidence in frontal hard steel, but if it's a sneak attack, It’s not a big problem, I still have this confidence.”

In order to reassure Sang Yan, it is necessary to make a high profile.

Of course, high-profile does not mean bragging, because he really has this ability.


Sang Yan swallowed hard.

Is it not a big problem to kill enemies across three levels?Are today's young people so aggressive?

"Su Yi, can you really?" Sang Yan asked tentatively.

"Senior, if I'm not sure, I wouldn't say that. You can rest assured." Su Yi said seriously.

Sang Yan's mood suddenly became complicated.

He can be considered a genius if he can cultivate to the sixth level of the Divine Ability Realm.

But in the same level, it can only be regarded as a very common thing. On the other hand, Su Yi directly kills the enemy by going up to three levels.

There is no harm without comparison!
At this moment, Sang Yan felt extremely incompetent.

"Senior, if possible, I hope you will join me the day after tomorrow." Su Yi said.

It is urgent to improve his strength, not because Jinyan Palace is coming to make trouble, he plans to act tomorrow.

"No problem." Sang Yan nodded, suddenly thought of something, and said, "Su Yi, you know that Jinyan Palace will go to the forbidden area of ​​death tomorrow, right?"

"I see." Su Yi said relaxedly: "It's just a bunch of jumping clowns, tomorrow I will clean them up one by one!"

Sang Yan clicked his tongue, always feeling that Su Yi was a little too inflated, so he reminded: "The other party has five sleepers, and they are all very powerful power cultivators."

Su Yi smiled and said: "Everything is under my control, seniors don't have to worry about it."


Seeing Su Yi's self-confidence, Sang Yan couldn't say anything more.

Su Yi continued: "Senior, you'd better hide your whereabouts when you come."

Luo Yixing was going to Yaoguang City to protect Gu Haotian. If Sang Yan left again, there would be no strong man sitting in Yuanzhou City.

Once the news is leaked, maybe Shadow Killer will make trouble.

"I know that." Sang Yan nodded.

"Senior, we will be in touch the day after tomorrow." Su Yi greeted and hung up the phone.

Later, he returned the phone to Fang Weize and left the conference hall.

When Su Yi left, Fang Weize asked Wu Zhe in a low voice, "Old Wu, do you think Su Yi can deal with those five sleepers?"

Until now, he still doesn't know Su Yi's true strength, so he is still very worried.

Wu Zhe said meaningfully: "I haven't known Su Yi for a long time, but I have been through life and death several times, so I still know Su Yi a little bit. As long as Su Yi wants to do, there is nothing he can't do."

"Is it okay to say so?" Fang Weize murmured.

As soon as Su Yi walked out of the cobblestone passage, Cao Qinglang and others surrounded him.

"Su Yi, you are so awesome!" Sha Wenxuan said with a look of admiration.

Su Yi glanced around in a daze, and finally landed on Sha Wenxuan, "What do you mean?"

Sha Wenxuan immediately said: "I heard from the ancestor of the Jiang family that your strength has reached the level of [-] kilograms. Is it true?"

(End of this chapter)

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