Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1324 Teacher Wei Tie teaches well

Chapter 1324 Teacher Wei Tie teaches well

Su Yi smiled, noncommittal.

"Good guy! It turned out to be true!" Everyone clicked their tongues.

"Okay, you all go to work." Su Yi greeted, turned and returned to the stone house.

The first time he entered the stone house, he checked the harvest.

On the mainland of the Green Turtle Clan, including on the way back, he killed many warriors in the realm of gods in succession, and obtained a lot of storage bags.

The storage bag in the realm of the gods, there must be no shortage of good things.

An hour later, Su Yi finished sorting the storage bag, with a bright smile on his face.

The harvest this time is still very good. The spirit crystals of various grades alone have reached 30, including ten top-quality spirit crystals.

In addition, there are a lot of pills, spiritual materials, ores and weapons, all of which are good stuff.

In particular, a fruit that exudes a strong spatial attribute caught Su Yi's idea.

It was a crystal clear fruit that looked like an apple, but was definitely not an apple.

Since [Smart Chariot] is not around, I don't know the origin of this fruit.

Su Yi simply put it away first.

Later, he opened the World Fragment again.

Having returned to the rear base, it's time for Wei Tie and Da Tie to meet.

However, the moment he opened it, Su Yi was stunned.

Because he found that Xiaoyan turned out to have a bruised nose and a swollen face, as if he had been beaten severely.

what's the situation?
Su Yi remembered clearly that when Xiaoyan was sent to the world fragments, Xiaoyan was still fine.

Why were you beaten?
Could it be that micro iron did it?
Su Yi was suspicious, so he summoned Wei Tie and Xiao Yan, and asked, "Xiao Yan, what's wrong with you?"

Xiaoyan secretly glanced at Wei Tie, seemed to be very scared, lowered his head and said nothing.

Su Yi turned to look at Wei Tie.

Wei Tie said calmly: "Su Yi, didn't you ask me to teach him to organize language? This guy is really not enlightened, so I taught him a little bit based on the idea of ​​strict teachers to make good apprentices. Not to mention, this guy I got the hang of it, and now I can speak the language of the human race."

Su Yi couldn't help but clicked his tongue.

At that time, he just said it casually, never thinking that Wei Tie really took it seriously.

Still, the results were good.After all, Xiaoyan has learned the language of the human race, and the beating was not in vain.

Su Yi looked at Xiaoyan and said with a smile: "Xiaoyan, you are very good at learning the human language so quickly!"

Xiaoyan smiled bitterly: "The main thing is that Teacher Wei Tie taught well."

"Low-key." Wei Tie raised his head high, pretending to be serious.

Su Yi shook his head, stopped being entangled in this matter, and instead called Da Tie in.

When Wei Tie saw Da Tie, he jumped up excitedly and shouted: "Second brother, I finally saw you!"

Da Tie glanced blankly at Wei Tie, and said, "I have a familiar feeling towards you, just like seeing Lao Tie, but I won't remember it for a while."

Due to the damage, the original memory is incomplete, and the impression of micro iron is not so deep.

"It's okay, let me tell you about the past, you will remember it soon." Wei Tie said with a face of indifference.

"Alright then." Da Tie nodded blankly.

"You two chat first, I'll go out to do some errands." After Su Yi finished speaking, he took Xiaoyan and left.

Later, he found Dongxue Peak, briefly introduced it to both parties, and then started to talk about business, "Old Dong, the fort has been built, and the next step is to dig some tunnels. Xiaoyan is an expert in this field, let him help you."

(End of this chapter)

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