Chapter 1325 Help
"Okay." Dong Xuefeng nodded, and then said: "Su Yi, I have already researched and understood that thunderstorm array. It is several times more powerful than your explosive fruit, but when arranging the array, you need to install three high-grade spirits crystal."

"It's not bad." Su Yi pondered.

In the future, facing the large-scale invasion of fierce beasts and aliens, the number of explosive fruits will definitely not be enough, and it is necessary to arrange some thunderstorms.

It's just that now is not the time, because all the spirit crystals need to be used to transform the time spirit liquid to ripen the tree of life.

After the tree of life matures, there will be extra spirit crystals before the thunder formation can be arranged.

"I'll study the arrangement of the thunderstorm later, so you should do your work first." Su Yi said hello and left.

Originally, he planned to find Jiang Piaoxue and Su Lin, but he was stopped by Brother Guan Hua on the way.

"What's the matter with the two seniors?" Su Yi asked.

Guan Hua said a little embarrassedly: "There is indeed one thing that needs your help."

"Go to my stone house and talk." Su Yi nodded.

Guan Hua had never begged him before, and this time he spoke, there must be something very important.

When the three of them returned to the stone house, Su Yi said, "Senior, what's the matter?"

Guan Hua and Guan Yu looked at each other, the former gritted his teeth and said, "Su Yi, we would like to ask you to help save someone."

"Save who?" Su Yi asked.

"The prince of our dwarves." Guan Hua said directly.

"Oh." Su Yi's eyes revealed a look of deep thought.

The power structure of the dwarves is different from other races. The dwarves are ruled by a king, and the sons of the king are princes.

The prince's status in the dwarves is very noble, second only to the king.

As a member of the dwarves, it is reasonable for Guan Hua to want to rescue their prince.

"Who captured the prince of your dwarves?" Su Yi asked.

Even if you want to rescue him, you must first understand the situation.

"His Royal Highness fell into the hands of the Feiyu Clan." Guan Yu said angrily.

"Flying Feather Clan." Su Yi muttered.

When returning before, I met two Feiyu people from the Illusory Spirit Realm.

Guan Yu was also rescued from the Feiyu tribe.

Su Yi thought for a while and asked, "Have all your dwarves been captured by the Feiyu clan?"

"It's almost like this." Guan Yu said.

Su Yi continued to ask: "What about your king?"

A look of sadness suddenly appeared on Guan Yu's face, "The king died in battle when the foreign race invaded."

"The king died in battle, but the prince is alive?" Su Yi's eyes flickered.

He had some doubts about whether the prince of the dwarves was a person who was greedy for life and afraid of death?

If it's this kind of person, it's useless to save him.

Guan Yu seemed to have seen Su Yi's thoughts, and quickly explained: "His Royal Highness also chooses to live on for the sake of the clan, because the Feiyu clan threatened that as long as His Royal Highness dares to seek death, they will kill all of us."

"Then you didn't resist?" Su Yi asked puzzled.

The dwarves are also a very bloody race. If the king is killed and the prince is imprisoned, they are willing to be manipulated by the Feiyu clan?

Guan Yu smiled wryly and said: "The Feiyu tribe threatened us with the life of the prince, so we dare not act rashly."

"The Feiyu tribe is despicable enough!" Su Yi snorted coldly.

The Feiyu tribe threatened the prince with the dwarf tribe, and threatened the other dwarf tribe with the prince's life at the same time, which is equivalent to lining up the two sides.

In this way, the dwarves can only choose to compromise.

(End of this chapter)

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