Chapter 1336 Kill Ou Feihong

Su Yi smashed it more than a dozen times in one breath, and he didn't stop until the sleeper completely lost his vitality.

During this process, everyone was silent.

In fact, they were all overwhelmed by Su Yi's terrifying strength.

"Sleeper? Now you can sleep forever." Su Yi glanced at the dead sleeper before throwing it aside.

When the sleeper's body fell to the ground, Ou Feihong's thousand people all changed expression.

Especially Ou Feihong's face was so ugly that he was about to drip water.

The sleeper is his biggest reliance, and now the most powerful one is easily crushed to death by Su Yi, what else does he have to fight against Su Yi?
Realizing this, Ou Feihong thought of quitting.

With the green hills still there, there is no need to worry about firewood. As long as he leaves the forbidden area of ​​death, Su Yi can do nothing to him at all.

As long as you save your life, and slowly figure it out in the future, there is always a way to deal with Su Yi.

But even if he wanted to retreat, someone had to stop Su Yi.

Ou Feihong gritted his teeth and shouted at the remaining four sleepers: "Your boss was killed by Su Yi, let's go together and avenge your boss!"

The four sleepers looked at each other, and they all seemed a little hesitant.

They all knew that the strength shown by Su Yi was by no means something they could fight against.

However, hatred eventually triumphed over reason.

"Kill him! Avenge the boss!"

The four sleepers charged towards Su Yi fiercely.

Taking advantage of everyone's inattention, Ou Feihong backed away quietly.

His move could be hidden from others, but was caught by Su Yi.

However, Su Yi didn't take it seriously, even if Ou Feihong got on the aircraft, he couldn't escape from his grasp.

When the four sleepers rushed over, Su Yi did not choose to make a move, but opened the [Langya Ring] to summon Nannan and Wukong.

This move is to deter Xiaoxiao.

It is also to prove to the world that in the forbidden area of ​​death, besides him, there are strong people.

Those who dare to attack the rear base, let's see who has the guts!
"Ninny, Wukong, kill them!" Su Yi gave the order.

Nannan and Wukong rushed up excitedly.


Nannan threw two punches in a row, instantly blasting the two sleepers.

Not to be outdone, Wukong jumped into the air with a long golden stick in his hand, and smashed it down like a god descending from the earth.

A loud bang.

The other two sleepers turned into two puddles of flesh.

"My God! Su Yi still has two such powerful spiritual pets!" Shouts came from all around.

Just now, Nannan and Wukong showed the aesthetics of violence to the fullest, no less than Su Yi's performance of beheading the first sleeper.

The shock it brought to everyone was immeasurable.

At the same time, it also let them know one thing clearly, Su Yi's overall strength is completely beyond imagination.

The people at the rear base were equally astonished.

The main object of their shock is Goku.

It was expected by them that Nannan possessed such strength, but when did Wukong become so fierce?
Isn't he only good at fighting landlords?
"Wukong didn't evolve, did he?" Looking at Wukong's heroic figure from a distance, Cao Qinglang couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Just when everyone was in a trance, Su Yi spread his wings in vain and flew into the air.

At this time, Ou Feihong was just flying the aircraft into the sky, before he could fly out, a long sword fell from the sky and split the aircraft in half.

Ou Feihong, who was sitting in the driver's seat, was not spared, his body was also chopped into pieces, and he fell on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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