Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1337 The human race is guarded by me, Su Yi

Chapter 1337 The human race is guarded by me, Su Yi

When Su Yifei fell back to the original place, people from Jinyan Palace and other forces were in panic.

The five sleepers and Ou Feihong were killed one after another. They have no leader, what should they do?
If you continue to fight against Su Yi, you will surely die.

If they beg for mercy, can Su Yi let them go?
"Su Yi, we were all against you because of Ou Feihong's bewitching, please forgive us, we hope you surrender."

Muran, five men stood up.

They thought clearly that if they wanted to survive, the only way to go was to ask Su Yi for forgiveness.

Someone took the lead, and begging for mercy sounded one after another.

People including those from Golden Flame Palace joined in.

"It's really a group of guys who follow the wind." Su Yi snorted, then glanced at the other party, and said in a cold voice: "I have given you a chance before, but unfortunately you didn't grasp it, so you can't blame me. In addition, The people of Golden Flame Palace should stop pretending, I never intend to let you go!"

Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed wildly.

None of them thought that Su Yi would do what he said, and would really kill them.

Immediately, a layer of fear, anger, and bewilderment filled everyone's hearts.

Of course, some people were not reconciled, and came out to argue with Su Yi, "Su Yi, the invasion of fierce beasts and aliens is imminent, and we are the main force against the fierce beasts. If we kill us, we will be disregarding the righteousness of the nation!"

"Yes, you can't kill us!"

"It is worthwhile for us to die!"

Soon, many people followed suit.

"How shameless!" Cao Qinglang and the others resented.

Before, when the other party was going to deal with Su Yi, did they ever think about the righteousness of the nation?

Seeing that the situation is not right now, they start talking nonsense, the degree of shamelessness is outrageous!

Su Yi smiled faintly, "You bastards only know how to fight in nests, pointing at you to fight against fierce beasts, the human race has long since perished! From today on, the human race will be guarded by me, Su Yi! So you bastards can all die! "

After saying that, he quickly winked at Jing Jiaxiang.

The outside of the bag must be settled inside first. These people in front of them have not succeeded enough to reveal their affairs, and staying behind is a disaster, and they must be eradicated!
Jing Jiaxiang understood, and roared, "Shoot the arrow!"

Whoosh whoosh.
For a moment, the sky was filled with the sound of arrows piercing through the sky.

More than 300 arrows fell from the sky, falling into the opponent's lineup like a dark cloud.

The screams were endless.

Although the opponent's camp is all warriors above Soul Gathering Realm, but under the premise of not being able to use aura, the defense methods are very limited.

Coupled with the fact that the arrows made of the Eight Desolation Ting Yan Stone have the ability to break defenses, the damage caused is even greater.

After a round of arrow rain, more than 100 people fell in a pool of blood, and another hundred people were also injured.


Realizing that Su Yi was really going to kill him, the rest of the people panicked and ran towards the aircraft desperately.

However, just as they ran close to the aircraft, densely packed arrows fell from the sky again.

Immediately, more than 100 people died tragically on the spot.

Seeing this, the remaining people no longer dared to run towards the aircraft, but dispersed and fled in other directions.

After the tenth round of arrows fell, there were less than a hundred people still alive.

At this time, it was the turn of Cao Qinglang and others to appear.


Accompanied by the sound of shouting and killing, the people in the rear base all rushed out and started chasing and killing.

(End of this chapter)

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