Chapter 1338
Those who chose to quit before, when they saw this scene, all had expressions of lingering fear.

Fortunately, I chose to stay out of the matter at that time, otherwise it would be a corpse now.

However, it is still unknown whether Su Yi can let them go.

At this moment, they couldn't help feeling a little uneasy.

At the entrance of the cobblestone passage, Datie looked at the scene of fighting ahead, feeling very melancholy.

This time, Su Yi still sent him to guard the passage, leaving him useless.

Wei Tie next to him asked strangely: "Second brother, others are killing the enemy, why don't you go?"

Da Tie said angrily: "Su Yi told me to stay here and guard, and I can't go anywhere."

Although he was upset, he didn't dare to go against Su Yi's arrangement.


Wei Tie nodded and said, "Then you just stay here, I'm going to kill the enemy."

After saying that, he turned around and wanted to leave, but was pulled back by the big iron.

"Second brother, what do you mean?" Wei Tie asked blankly.

Da Tie said in a deep voice, "Old Five, you stay."

It is so lonely to guard the passage alone, it will be better if someone is with you, of course, you can't let Wei Tie go.

"Why?" Wei Tie puzzled, "Su Yi didn't arrange for me."

Compared to killing the enemy, how boring it is to guard here, he is definitely not willing.

Da Tie said in an unquestionable tone: "I arranged it. My seniority is higher than yours, so you have to listen to me."

Micro iron: "."

In my impression, the previous big iron was not so domineering.

Could it be that following Su Yi's side changed his mind?

The battle lasted less than 10 minutes before it was over, and finally let the opponent run away with more than a dozen people.

However, Su Yi didn't take it seriously.

There are also monster plants and monster beasts blocking the periphery, and these people are hard to fly.

"Clean up the battlefield!"

When everyone returned, Su Yi gave an order, and then came in front of more than 100 survivors.

When Su Yi approached, the more than 100 people were silent, not daring to take a breath, for fear that an unexpected move would cause Su Yi's dissatisfaction.

Su Yi glanced at him, and said in a cold voice: "You are also aware of current affairs, so I will spare your dog's life! Anyone who dares to have crooked thoughts in the future will be killed without mercy!"

"Don't dare!" The crowd felt as if they were about to receive an amnesty.

"You dig a hole far away, dispose of the corpses here, and then you can leave," Su Yi said.


A group of people ran not far away, took out their weapons and started digging holes. They worked in full swing, and no one complained.

After all, it is a very lucky thing to be able to save my life.

Su Yi turned to Luo Junnan and said, "City Lord Luo, bring Bai Pengfei here."


Luo Junnan turned and left.

After a while, he brought Bai Pengfei and four disciples from Qianjilou to Su Yi's side.

When Bai Pengfei and the other five saw the scene in front of them like a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, their expressions became extremely ugly, and they were even more terrified in their hearts.

Su Yi looked at Bai Pengfei and said with a smile: "These people were instigated by the Golden Flame Palace under the banner of saving seniors. However, they obviously provoked the wrong person."

Bai Pengfei's heart throbbed violently, his face turned pale again, and he hurriedly explained: "Su Yi, I have nothing to do with them. In addition, I don't know about Gongsun Xiu's possession of the teleportation talisman, otherwise I will stop it." his."

(End of this chapter)

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