Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1339 Tied for No. 2 Powerhouse

Chapter 1339 Tied for No. [-] Powerhouse

"Senior, I was too worried. I came here to ask for your help. I didn't mean to embarrass you." Su Yi chuckled. .

This is one of the things to help, and the other is to frighten the other party.

Bai Pengfei breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly assured him: "Just say anything, as long as you can do it, you will have nothing to say."

"Then thank you senior." Su Yi smiled, and then said: "Actually, it's nothing, I just want you to help record a video. But this can only be done tomorrow, and today you will rest here for a day."

"No problem." Bai Pengfei said happily.

Originally, he thought that Su Yi would trouble him, but he never thought that Su Yi was quite polite, which completely relieved his tense heart.

"Lord Luo, I'll leave it to you to make arrangements here. I'll go back first." Su Yi greeted Luo Junnan and returned to the stone house.

After dealing with the matter of the Golden Flame Palace, we will deal with the Shadow Killing Gate later.

So far, he hasn't thought of a perfect solution, so he has to go back and think about it.

When Su Yi left, Cao Qinglang and others surrounded Wukong.

"What do you mean?" Wukong was at a loss.

Cao Qinglang chuckled, "Wukong, you've grown a lot taller than before!"

In the past, Wukong was only over one meter tall, but now he has broken through two meters, and his body is much stronger than before. The change is very huge.

Wukong said calmly: "As the strength soars, it is normal for the body shape to change."

"Wukong, why have you become so powerful all of a sudden?" Zhang Canyang asked curiously.

Wukong pondered for a moment, and said pretendingly: "I have always been very good, but I like to keep a low profile on weekdays."


Everyone was stunned.

On weekdays, even if Wukong won a game of Landlords, he would publicize it everywhere, hoping to let the whole world know.

What kind of low-key performance is this?

Everyone scoffed, knowing that Wukong just wanted to take this opportunity to pretend to be aggressive.

Li Rushuang suddenly asked: "Wukong, what is your strength now?"

Before, Wukong's stick was enough to be described as earth-shattering.

But how much strength she has, she doesn't know.

Others were also very interested in this, Qiqi looked at Wukong.

Wukong pondered for a while, raised his head, and said proudly: "In the forbidden area of ​​death, the master ranks first, and I am the second strongest! Because my strength value has soared to the level of 70000 kilograms."

"70000 kilograms?"

Everyone was startled by this number and clicked their tongues together.

Suddenly, a cold hum floated over.

Everyone searched for the reputation, but saw the girl pouting, with a look of disdain on her face.

Wukong glanced at Nannan, seemed a little guilty, so he added: "I and Nannan are tied for the second strongest!"

Everyone laughed lightly, didn't say anything more, left one after another, and began to clean the battlefield.

"You?" Wukong was stunned.

He has already shown his strength, and the people present are shocked and it's over?Is this taking him too seriously?

"You must be jealous of me!" Wukong snorted, very sure of his own thoughts.

On the other side, Su Yi returned to the stone house, sat on a chair and closed his eyes, lost in thought.

After an unknown amount of time, his eyes suddenly opened, but there was a gleam of crystal light inside.

Then, he called Gu Haotian and Sang Yan successively.

(End of this chapter)

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