Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1347 The Sword Spirit Appears

Chapter 1347 The Sword Spirit Appears

At this time, the two people from Shadow Killing Sect and Shen Lang had dispersed to surround Gu Haotian.

Gu Haotian glanced at it, and asked in a cold voice: "The three of you have chased me all the way, so they didn't come to kill me, did they?"

"We have been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. Since we have detained you here, of course we will kill you!" The tall old man sneered.

The short old man didn't speak to Shen Lang, but he didn't hide the murderous intent in his eyes.

"I have no grievances with the three, why did the three want to kill me?" Gu Haotian said with a smile on his face.

"People who are about to die don't need to know so much!" The tall old man grinned, and then winked at Shen Lang and the two of them.

In an instant, the three of them manifested the figurative objects at the same time.

After all, Gu Haotian is well-known and has the title of God of War.

Even if the three of them join forces, they dare not be careless.

Ka Ka Ka. Accompanied by three explosions.

Three gaps suddenly opened in the midair, and then, three figurative objects flew out of them, hovering above the heads of the three of them.

The figure of the tall old man is a wide blue giant sword, on which the thunder light jumps and shines brightly.

On top of the short old man's head is a big khaki drum, circles of yellow halos rippling on the drum surface, giving people a very psychedelic feeling.

Shen Lang's figurative object is a long red knife covered with a layer of hot flames.The flame danced violently, and there was a buzzing sound around it, as if the air was being burned.

At this time, Gu Haotian was still not flustered, just when the other party was about to strike, he suddenly sneered and said: "You three traitors of the human race! You received the order of the beast to kill me, right?"

This sentence directly hit the opponent's weakness.

The faces of the three of them suddenly became extremely ugly.

Although they did surrender to the beast, they didn't want outsiders to know about it.

And all this time, they haven't revealed this secret, so how did Gu Haotian know about it?

"You know a lot, so we can't let you go!" The tall old man regained his composure, with a terrifying expression on his face.

He didn't care how Gu Haotian found out, as long as he could kill Gu Haotian and complete the task.


The tall old man let out a roar.

The giant blue sword suspended above his head slashed towards Gu Haotian in the air.

At the same time, Shen Lang and the short old man also shot at the same time.

I saw a long flaming knife piercing the sky, dragging a long tail of flame, and charged towards Gu Haotian vigorously.

The earth-yellow big drum suddenly vibrated, and after the yellow halo on it condensed, it turned into a thick spear and shot out.

"Good come!"

Facing the joint siege of the three figurative objects, Gu Haotian was not only not afraid, but seemed extremely excited.

When a gap opened in the sky again, a huge golden long knife shot out.

This long knife is about ten feet in size, and it emits a scorching golden light.

It is Gu Haotian's concrete object.

However, different from ordinary figurative objects, a golden boy can be vaguely seen in the golden long knife, who looks similar to Xiaojian.

This little golden boy is the figurative sword spirit.


The moment the long golden knife appeared, Gu Haotian let out a roar.

As if the golden long knife was spiritual, it hit the blue long sword, flame long knife and yellow spear backwards.

Bang bang bang!
With three loud bangs, both the blue long sword and the flaming long knife were sent flying.

And the yellow spear was chopped into pieces directly.

(End of this chapter)

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