Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1348 Sang Yan makes a move

Chapter 1348 Sang Yan makes a move
"It's really fierce!" Su Yi was shocked.

Gu Haotian singled out the three of them with his own strength, and still had the upper hand, displaying his formidable fighting power to the fullest.

The name of God of War is well-deserved!
"How could this be?"

The faces of the three of Shen Lang were a mixture of disbelief and horror.

They really couldn't figure out why Gu Haotian, who was only at the fifth level of the Divine Realm, was so tough?
The tall old man looked at the golden long sword, his expression changed in vain, and he shouted in shock: "His figurative object has derived a sword spirit!"


Shen Lang and the short old man were startled.

Once the figurative object is promoted to the third stage, it will derive a spirit body, and its power is unparalleled.

Even killing enemies by leapfrogging is normal.

At this moment, they finally understood why Gu Haotian was so aggressive.

"What should we do?" Shen Lang lost his composure.

Gu Haotian learned the secret of them taking refuge in fierce beasts, logically speaking, he must get rid of them.

But Gu Haotian's figurative object derived the sword spirit, and his strength soared, which was no longer something they could compete with.

Continue to fight with it, it is very likely to fall here.

The tall old man struggled for a while, and immediately made a decision, "Retreat!"

Although unwilling, it is also a helpless choice.

"Can you escape?"

With a cold roar, Gu Haotian manipulated the figurative object to strike at the tall old man.

The tall old man was a sixth-level martial artist of the Divine Ability Realm, and what he had discussed with Su Yi was that he only needed to keep him.

As for the other two, Sang Yan will deal with them.

And he also believed that Sang Yan must be hiding nearby and waiting for an opportunity, and he should make a move at this time.


Seeing the golden long sword slashing down in the air, the tall old man was so depressed that he could only bite the bullet and block the blow first.


The blue long sword broke through the sky, rolled up a flash of lightning, and collided heavily with the golden long knife.

Bang Bang!
The blue long sword was thrown out again.

And this time, several cracks appeared on the body of the sword, and it was about to collapse.


The tall old man let out a scream, opened his mouth and spat out a sword of blood, and his breath quickly became weak.

The figurative object was damaged, and he had already suffered a heavy blow.

When Shen Lang and the short old man saw this scene, instead of helping each other, they fled even faster.

"Damn it! Don't save your own people?" Su Yi was dumbfounded.

Fortunately, he had been prepared and asked Sang Yan to stay by his side, otherwise Shen Lang and Shen Lang would really run away.

Sang Yan was already ready to go, and now he stretched his finger forward.

Immediately, the long gray whip hovering above his head rushed out like a swimming dragon.

Because he was in the illusion, the other party had no idea that there was a sixth-level powerhouse of the supernatural power hidden nearby.

Caught off guard, the short old man was smashed to pieces by a whip.

Shen Lang next to him was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder were torn apart, he speeded up his flight in vain.

But Sang Yan didn't give him a chance to escape at all, so he chased after him with a long gray whip.

"I fought with you!"

Shen Lang found that he couldn't escape, and his face suddenly became ferocious.

The flame on the red long knife object blazed, and it slashed towards the gray long whip.

When the two touched, there was no earth-shattering collision sound.

But the gray long whip was like a long snake, directly entwining the flame long knife.

clack clack.
The next moment, the long flame knife was shattered into countless pieces under a strong squeeze.


Shen Lang groaned in pain and fell straight down.

The long gray whip chased after it and swept it in the air.

A loud bang.

Shen Lang turned into a blood mist.

(End of this chapter)

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