Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1349 Re-entering the Sea of ​​Suspension

Chapter 1349 Re-entering the Sea of ​​Suspension

At this moment, another scream came from not far away.

It was Gu Haotian who beheaded the tall old man with a single sword. Perhaps because of his special hatred, this sword was so powerful that he cut the tall old man into nothingness.

The three of Shen Lang were beheaded in succession, which was originally something to be happy about, but a look of pain appeared on Su Yi's face.

The reason is very simple, all three of Shen Lang were smashed to pieces, and their storage bags were also destroyed.

This is a storage bag in the realm of the gods!There are so many good things in it.

If you say no, it will be gone. Can you not feel pain?
However, things have already happened, and Su Yi can only accept the reality.

Later, he asked Wu Zhe to put away the Nandou Lingpan, and turned to Bai Pengfei who was beside him and said, "Senior, have you finished recording the video?"

"Don't worry, I didn't miss a single detail!" Bai Pengfei assured.

Su Yi nodded slightly, and then said: "Senior, please send the video to the Internet later, so as to expose the crimes of Shadow Killing Gate and Mad Sword Gate!"

"Shadow Killing Gate and Mad Saber Gate colluded with ferocious beasts and killed their own compatriots. They are not as good as beasts! I will definitely spread the video on the Internet as quickly as possible. Let all the human races clearly see the faces of Shadow Killing Gate and Mad Saber Gate , Completely wipe out these scum!" Bai Pengfei said through gritted teeth.

As a human race with a conscience, I have the responsibility and obligation to expose the crimes of Shadow Killing Gate and Mad Sword Gate!

And he also believes that as long as the video is released to the public, the remnants of Shadow Killing Gate and Mad Saber Gate will be like rats crossing the street, and there will be no room for them anymore.

As long as these scourges are eradicated, the human race will no longer have internal troubles.

From now on, there will be even more unity.

"That's good."

Su Yi nodded, turned around and walked to Gu Haotian's side, "Senior, you've worked hard."

"It's all what should be done." Gu Haotian chuckled, then took a look at Su Yi, and said with admiration in his eyes: "Su Yi, thanks to your advice this time, otherwise there is really no way to use the shadow to kill the door."

"This is also the duty of juniors." Su Yi smiled.

At this time, Sang Yan came over and asked, "Su Yi, the matter has been settled, should we go to Xuankong Sea?"

As agreed before, it will help Su Yi go to the Hanging Sea to hunt and kill monsters to improve his strength.

This is also the most important point. Once Su Yi is promoted to the realm of the gods, it will definitely bring great help to the entire human race.

Gu Haotian said suddenly: "Lao Sang, you have a lot of things to do, I should accompany Su Yi to go."

"You?" Sang Yan pondered for a moment, then said, "That's fine."

Gu Haotian's figurative object has already derived a sword spirit, and his real combat power is even higher than his.

With Gu Haotian accompanying Su Yi, the safety is more guaranteed.

Afterwards, everyone exchanged a few pleasantries, and then Su Yi, Gu Haotian and Wu Zhe left here in the [Smart Chariot].

Sang Yan also took out an aircraft at this time, and hurried back to Yuanzhou City with Bai Pengfei and others.

The three of Shen Lang were killed, but there are still many remnants of the Crazy Sword Sect and the Shadow Killing Sect.It is necessary to return to the organization as soon as possible to completely eliminate these scourges.

[Smart Chariot] After flying for two hours, it has entered the suspended sea.

The Hanging Sea is vast and boundless, and its area far exceeds that of the Tidal Sea.

There are thousands of known islands, most of which have been occupied by aliens.

And the island that Su Yi went to this time is where the monsters are.

(End of this chapter)

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