Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1357 Attack the Titans First

Chapter 1357 Attack the Titans First
Before Su Yi had time to listen to how many abilities the system had extracted, the battle on Gu Haotian's side was over, and the three monsters in the supernatural realm were severely injured and lost their combat effectiveness.

"Su Yi, I'll leave it to you." Gu Haotian brought the three injured monsters to Su Yi.

Bang, bang, bang three loud bangs.

Su Yi punched three times in a row, killing the three monsters.

The voice of the system rang three times in a row in my mind.

After listening, Su Yi was very excited.

Touching these three monsters, his cultivation just happened to be promoted to the [-]nd level of the Divine Ability Realm.

In addition, the power of God of War has also reached the level of (60|1000).

"Su Yi, how's it going?" Gu Haotian asked expectantly.

"I've been promoted to the second level of the Divine Ability Realm." A smile appeared on the corner of Su Yi's mouth.

"Great!" Gu Haotian was also very excited.

Although Su Yi is young, he has become the leader of the new generation of human race.The stronger Su Yi is, the more helpful he will be to the human race.

"Su Yi, now you should be able to compete with the fifth level of the supernatural realm, right?" Gu Haotian asked tentatively.

Su Yi's real combat power is far superior to that of the same level.

At the first stage of the divine realm, one can instantly kill the monsters of the third stage of the divine realm.

Now that he has been promoted to the second level of the divine realm, it is also possible to compete with the fifth steel of the divine realm.

"Almost." Su Yi smiled slightly.

After all, they haven't played against each other before, so they shouldn't be too high-profile.

At this time, [Smart Chariot] flew over and asked, "Su Yi, where shall we go next?"

"I'll study it later." Su Yi said lightly.

He reckoned that the monster beast would not continue to send its people out in a short time, and it would be meaningless to stay here.

Later, we should destroy other boundary passages.

However, there are a total of more than a dozen border passages in the Hanging Sea, and which one to start with needs to be carefully planned.

"Su Yi, won't this boundary channel be destroyed?" Gu Haotian asked suddenly.

"Keep it." Su Yi smiled.

This boundary channel is connected to the Monster Beast Continent, which is equivalent to a 'cash machine' for him.

Maybe the next time I come, there will be a large number of monsters coming out, and then I can harvest another batch.

Gu Haotian immediately understood what Su Yi meant, so he didn't need to say anything more.

Later, the two got on the [Smart Chariot], and Su Yi turned on the [Langya Ring] to summon the Black Sun Rift Rat.

Because of being severely injured by Gu Haotian, the Heiyang Rift Rat still looked sluggish even after resting for a day.

Su Yi took a look, and then gave Heiyang Rift Valley Mousewei a Yunling Pill.

"Thank you master!"

Heiyang Rift Valley Mouse noticed that his injury was improving rapidly, and was overjoyed to thank Su Yi.

Su Yi nodded slightly, and then asked, "Mice, do you know where the island of the Titan is?"

Compared to other races, he was most afraid of the Taita giants.

Because Titan Titans are all strength cultivators, juvenile Titan Titans possess a strength of tens of thousands of kilograms, and adult Titan Titans have strength values ​​exceeding one hundred thousand.

Some of the particularly powerful ones can even reach hundreds of thousands.

Once the Titans flood in, Bi will bring a devastating blow to the rear base.

Therefore, he planned to destroy the giant titan's boundary channel first.

"I've been there once, and their island is more than 1000 kilometers away from here." The Black Sun Rift Rat replied quickly.

"Very good, you lead the way." Su Yi ordered.

[Smart Chariot] Under the guidance of the Black Sun Rift Rat, it flew straight in one direction.

(End of this chapter)

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