Chapter 1358 Old Acquaintances

On the way, Heiyang Rift Rat said weakly, "Master, can you change my name?"


Su Yi frowned.

He has always had a sense of accomplishment in naming.

The Black Sun Rift Rat didn't like it?It is clearly a question of his ability.

Su Yi's face darkened slightly, "What do you want to be called?"

Heiyang Rift Valley Mouse hurriedly said, "You can also call me Xiao Hei."

"No!" Su Yi resolutely said.

The name Xiao Hei had already been reserved, and it was reserved for Hei Xue Jin Jinglong.

Heiyang Rift Rat snatched the name away, so he needed to think of a new one, which was too troublesome.

"This..." Seeing Su Yi's firm attitude, Heiyang Rift Valley Mouse was stunned.

Why don't you just change your name?Is it necessary to be so serious?
[Smart Chariot] smiled and said: "Mice, you just accept your fate. Su Yi has always done his part in naming. He will do whatever he says, and resistance is futile."


Arms couldn't hold back the thighs, so the Black Sun Rift Rat could only resign to its fate.

After this little episode passed, the [Smart Chariot] continued to fly for more than ten minutes, and when it passed an island, it suddenly reminded: "Su Yi, there are hundreds of demons gathered on the nearby island, and they also A boundary channel has been opened on the island."

"No. 2, stop." Su Yi ordered immediately.

If it's another race, he will choose to move back a little bit.

But the devil is different.

The demons opened up several boundary passages on the blue star, and they were also the first batch of aliens to invade the blue star.

So far, it has been hundreds of years.

In the years of fighting against the devil, human warriors have suffered at least tens of thousands of casualties.

It can be said that the damage that the devil brought to Blue Star is immeasurable.

Su Yi also wanted to eradicate the demons for a long time. Since he met a group of demons here, he must not let them go.

"No. 2, what is the level of the opponent's strongest?" Su Yi asked.

Even if you want to fight, you must first figure out the opponent's strength, so as not to overturn the gutter.

"The strongest is a warrior at the tenth level of the Illusory Spiritual Realm, and the rest are all below the eighth level of the Illusory Spiritual Realm." [Smart Chariot] replied quickly.

"Only at the tenth level of the Illusory Spirit Realm?" Su Yi was a little confused.

The realm passages opened by other races are all guarded by the gods, and the demons can be regarded as relatively powerful races. Why is there only one tenth-level warrior of the Illusory Spirit Realm?
"This boundary channel should be newly opened, and the devil doesn't seem to take it very seriously." [Smart Chariot] explained, and then said meaningfully: "Su Yi, the devil at the tenth level of the Illusory Spirit Realm is still An old acquaintance."

"Who is it?" Su Yi suddenly became interested.

The acquaintances among the devil must have had grudges with him.

[Smart Chariot] said with a smile: "It's the devil named Wu Jiangzhen."

"Wu Jiangzhen?" Su Yi pondered for a while, and quickly remembered.

When they came out of Yuankong Ancient Realm, Wu Jiangzhen tried to murder them, but was wounded by Jin Hongxuan's sword and fled.

"It really is an old acquaintance." Su Yi smiled, and his smile was full of cold colors.

"Su Yi, shall we go over and kill them?" Sensing Su Yi's killing intent, [Smart Chariot] made a sound.

"Of course!" Su Yi said without thinking.

[Smart Chariot] Turned around and flew straight to the island where the demon is located.

(End of this chapter)

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